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Vences de Brito, António Manuel Vitória

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  • Desempenho anaeróbio em jovens praticantes federados de futebol
    Publication . Rodrigues Ferreira, Mário André; Noite, João; Fernandes, R.; Fernando, Catarina; Brito, António Vences
    Um bom desempenho anaeróbio é essencial para o sucesso desportivo no futebol. O objetivo do estudo foi verificar as diferenças entre o desempenho anaeróbio de jovens praticantes federados de futebol (n=10) e de jovens não praticantes federados em nenhuma modalidade desportiva (n=9). Os participantes realizam o teste anaeróbio Wingate, com uma resistência de 75g/kg (7,5% do peso corporal), tendo sido utilizado o cicloergómetro Monark 894E. As variáveis estudadas foram a potência anaeróbia máxima, a potência anaeróbia média e a perda de potência anaeróbia, sendo apresentada em termos absolutos (W) e em termos relativos (W/kg). Para comparação dos grupos em análise utilizámos a técnica estatística t de Student (bicaudal), com o programa SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) versão 17.0, adotando um nível de significância de p <0,05. Os resultados obtidos revelaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas na potência anaeróbia máxima relativa (9,83 vs. 8,59 W/kg; p =,011) e na potência anaeróbia média relativa (6,99 vs. 5,92 W/kg; p =,021), onde os jovens praticantes federados de futebol obtiveram um desempenho superior. Concluímos que os jovens praticantes federados de futebol apresentam uma maior capacidade para produzir potência anaeróbia máxima e para manter essa potência ao longo dos 30 segundos, provavelmente devido à prática desportiva.- A great anaerobic performance is essential for the sporting success in football. The aim of the study was to analyze the differences in anaerobic performance between young soccer players (n=10) and young non-practicing any sport (n=9). Participants performed the Wingate anaerobic test, with a resistance of 75g/kg (7.5% of body weight), and the ergometer used was the Monark 894E. The variables studied were the peak anaerobic power, average anaerobic power and anaerobic power drop, and it is presented in absolute terms (W) and relative to body weight (W/kg). To compare the groups, the Student’s t test (two-tailed) was used with the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) version 17.0, adopting a significance level of p <0.05. The results showed statistically significant differences in relative peak anaerobic power (9.83 vs. 8.59 W/kg, p =.011) and relative mean anaerobic power (6.99 vs. 5.92 W/kg, p =.021), where young football players presented superior performance. We conclude that the young football players have a higher capacity to produce maximum anaerobic power and to maintain that power over the 30 seconds, probably due to sport practice.
  • Metabolic specialization in pre-pubertal young footballers
    Publication . Mendes, João; Fernandes, R.; Ferreira, Rodrigues; Correia, José; Brito, António Vences
    Avaliou-se as respostas fisiológicas de vinte e duas crianças pré-pubescentes em testes de potência aeróbia (PA) e potência anaeróbia (PAN). Onze sujeitos futebolistas federados (T) e onze sujeitos sem prática desportiva formal (NT). O grupo T tinha 11,3 ± 0,5 anos de idade (Idd) tendo o NT apresentado uma Idd de 10,9 ± 0,3 anos. Utilizando o protocolo de Balke modificado com análise directa de gases (Cosmed K4b2, Rome) avaliou-se o consumo de oxigénio absoluto e relativo (VO2Abs e VO2Rel), a ventilação (VE) e a frequência cardíaca (FCB). Enquanto que, num teste anaeróbio (protocolo Wingate - WAnT), avaliou-se o pico de potência absoluto e relativo (PPabs e PPrel), o pico de potência médio absoluto e relativo (APabs e APrel), o índice de fadiga (%DP) e a frequência cardíaca (FCWant). Analisaram-se os resultados (PASW 18.0). Verificou-se diferenças significativas entre os grupos nas variáveis de FCB ;d͗ ϭϵϯ͕ϳ ц ϳ͕ϭϭ ďͻŵŝŶ-1; NT: FCB͗ ϭϬϰ͕ϱ ц ϱ͕ϵϳ ďͻŵŝŶ-1), de PP (T: 333,2 ± 39,0 watts; NT: 288,6 ± 59,4 watts) e AP (T: 210,5 ± 22,1 watts; NT: 183,5 ± 31,8 watts). Concluiu-se assim que, para a amostra analisada, não se verifica a existência de especialização metabólica.- This study compares the physiological response in aerobic and anaerobic potency tests in order to evaluate if there is metabolic specialization in pre pubertal children. Eleven subjects trained (age: 11.3 ± 0.5 years old) in football (T) whereas the other eleven (age: 10.9 ± 0.3 years old) without any formal sports training (NT). Both groups were matched for Tanner Maturity Test stage I. Using the modified Balke protocol with direct gas analysis and treadmill, the absolute and relative uptakes of oxygen (VO2Abs e VO2Rel), the Ventilation (VE) and heart rate (HRB) were evaluated. Using the Wingate protocol for anaerobic parameters (WAnT) and a cycle ergometer, the relative and absolute peak power ( PPAbs e PPRel) were calculated, as well as the average absolute and relative power (APPAbs e APPRel), the drop power (%DP) and the heart rate (HRW). There were significant differences (PASW 18.0) between the groups in the HRB (T: ϭϵϯ͘ϳ ц ϳ͘ϭϭ ď ͻ ŵŝŶ-1; NT: HRB͗ ϭϬϰ͘ϱ ц ϱ͘ϵϳ ď ͻ ŵŝŶ-1), PPAbs (T: 333.2 ± 39.0 W; NT: 288.6 ± 59.4 W), and APAbs (T: 210.5 ± 22.1 W; NT: 183.5 ± 31.8 W) variables. Therefore, it was concluded that there wasn’t metabolic specialization in the sample analyzed.
  • Introduction to data collection for performance analysis and their integration in martial arts training. A biomechanical and motor control perspective
    Publication . Branco, Marco A. C.; Branco, Gonçalo A. C.; Brito, António Vences
    In order to improve the development of functional, physical, technical and tactical skills of martial arts athletes, coaches look for new ways to collect data. One of the most frequent methods is kinematic analysis, which allows spatial and temporal data to be collected.
  • Effect of Aging on the Lower Limb Kinematics in Karate Practitioners: Comparing Athletes and Their Senseis
    Publication . Branco, Marco A. C.; Brito, António Vences; Rodrigues-Ferreira, Mário André; Branco, Gonçalo A. C.; Polak, Ewa; Cynarski, Wojciech J.; Jacek, Wąsik
    With the life expectancy increasing, older adult population has gained the attention of many researchers. Aging is known to lead to a general decline in bodily functions, which affect the quality of life. The aim of this study was to analyze how the aging process affects veteran active karate practitioners, in the kinematic and temporal structure of the frontal kick. Nine black belt karate practitioners over 50 years old and 24 black belt karate practitioners, aged between 20 and 30 years old, all male, performed the frontal kick mae-geri. Results showed that knee is the structure that holds most differences between young and veterans, both for linear and for angular variables during the mae-geri performance. Statistical differences were found in linear velocity for the knee; linear acceleration of the knee, hip, and RASIS; maximum angular velocity for knee and hip; maximum angular acceleration for ankle and hip; and in the range of motion of knee. The temporal variables show differences, between groups, in maximum linear velocity, maximum linear acceleration, and maximum angular acceleration. However, no differences were found between groups for the time before contact in the maximum linear and angular acceleration, which allow us to remark both the effects of the aging process and the effect of training. This study corroborates the ability of older people to achieve benefits from sports practice, achieving higher efficiency than the younger adults in task execution, but using different motor control strategies.
  • The effects of aging on electromechanical delay: a comparison between karate athletes and non-athletes
    Publication . Brito, António Vences; Rodrigues Ferreira, Mário André; Branco, Marco A. C.
    Normal aging in humans is associated with a progressive decline in biological functions that affect motor performance. This study intended to analyze the effects of aging on electromechanical delay during the mae-geri kick performance. Forty-six males were divided into three groups according to age and sports practice: 9 veteran karate practitioners aged between 50 and 63 years (VetK), 21 young karate practitioners (YgK) and 16 non-karate practitioners aged between 18 and 35 years old. Electromechanical delay was defined as the time interval between the onset of the electric activity of a muscle and the beginning of joint movement. The statistical analysis was performed with One-Way Analysis of Variance and Turkey HSD Post-Hoc (SPSS, version 17.0). Rectus femoris EMD was found to be signifi cantly longer in VetK, suggesting that aging has a negative impact on the neuromuscular activity and contractile capacity of this muscle.
  • Athletes and their Sensei’s: did aging affect the lower limb kinematics in karate practitioners
    Publication . Branco, Marco A. C.; Brito, António Vences; Rodrigues-Ferreira, Mário André; Branco, Gonçalo A. C.
    Aging leads to a general decline in body functions that affects quality of life. Muscle function begins to slow the contraction from the 40 to 50 years and decreases muscle strength 1 to 1.5% per year after 60 years (Booth, Weeden, & Tseng, 1994; Vandervoort, 2002; Vandervoort & Mccomas, 1986). Older adults do less work for lower fast angular velocities (Power, et al., 2014), and less power for slow, moderate and fast angular velocities (Dalton, Power, Vandervoort, & Rice, 2012), than young adults. These losses increase as age increases. One factor that exacerbates these functional losses is the sedentary lifestyle, however, the physical exercise appears as an inversion factor, which cannot only reverse this decline but also promote an increase in functional capacity at the neuromuscular level. The athletic performance is seen as diminished in older adults, but in the case of martial arts, the karate Sensei’s are the technical execution model. This leads us to question if in karate young adults have better performance than older adults? Which in many cases are their Senseis’s. The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of the aging process in the kinematic and temporal structure of the frontal kick on veteran active karate practitioners.