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No futebol, o treinador e restantes elementos que compõem o staff técnico devem ser
reconhecidos pelos processos desenvolvidos e resultados obtidos. É no binómio processo –
resultado que devem assentar muitos dos juízos acerca das competências e capacidades destes
agentes desportivos. Para alcançar o sucesso (entenda-se desenvolvimento do nível qualitativo
dos jogadores e equipa e, simultaneamente, a obtenção dos resultados desportivos
pretendidos), os treinadores suportam grande parte da sua ação em três aspetos fundamentais:
o planeamento, a respetiva intervenção e o consequente controlo/avaliação.
Tendo realizado o Estágio no Sporting Clube Lourinhanense, nos escalões de iniciados
sub-15 e séniores, tive a possibilidade de estar envolvido, simultaneamente, no futebol de
formação e no futebol de rendimento. Ao controlar a própria aprendizagem foram definidos
objetivos que orientassem as atividades e tarefas ao longo da época desportiva – ao nível do
planeamento é proposta uma organização metodológica de um microciclo tipo de um
fisiologista/preparador-físico; ao nível da intervenção foram desenvolvidos documentos
orientadores que fundamentem as decisões técnico-pedagógicas dos treinadores; Quanto ao
controlo uma das tarefas diferenciadoras do Estágio foi a monitorização do treino e competição
através de um sistema de telemetria que permitiu a obtenção de dados relacionados com a
carga interna. Foram ainda realizados alguns testes com intuito de avaliar a aptidão física dos
atletas e equipa. Os dois estudos realizados incidiram sobre duas áreas importantes no treino e na
competição, a avaliação e controlo e a psicologia. Os resultados das duas investigações, embora
díspares, permitiram a medição e avaliação de diversas variáveis que influem sobre o
desenvolvimento e rendimento do atleta e da equipa. Os dados obtidos deverão ser alvo de
análise e reflexão por parte dos treinadores, estejam envolvidos num contexto de formação ou
de rendimento.
Em conclusão, o Estágio permitiu o desenvolvimento de inúmeras competências
pessoais e profissionais. A concretização desta etapa de formação de um treinador foi mais um
passo na procura de um conhecimento que se encontra em constante evolução.
Abstract In football, coach and the other staff members must be recognized by the processes developed and results obtained. It is in the process-result binomial that many judgments must be made about the competences and skills of these sports agents. In order to achieve success (development of the qualitative level of the players and the team and, at the same time, the achievement of the desired sports results), coaches support much of their action in three fundamental aspects: planning, respective intervention and consequent control. Having completed the internship at Sporting Clube Lourinhanense, at under-15 team and A team, I had the opportunity to be involved, simultaneously, in education football and performance football. In controlling my own learning I defined objectives that guided my activities and tasks throughout the season – at planning level, a methodological organization of a microcycle type of a physiologist/fitness coach is proposed; at intervention level, guiding documents were developed to support coaches’ technical and pedagogical decisions; regarding control, one of the differentiating tasks of the stage was the monitoring of the training and competition through a telemetry system that allowed to obtain data related with the internal load. Some tests were also carried out in order to evaluate physical fitness of athletes and team. At scientific level, I focused on two important areas in training and competition, psychology and evaluation and control. Results of the two investigations, although disparate, allowed measurement and evaluation of several variables that influence the development and performance of the athlete and team. Data obtained should be subject of analysis and reflection by coaches, involved in education or performance context. In conclusion, the internship allowed the development of numerous personal and professional skills. Concretization of this formation stage by the coach was another step in the search of knowledge that is in constantly evolution.
Abstract In football, coach and the other staff members must be recognized by the processes developed and results obtained. It is in the process-result binomial that many judgments must be made about the competences and skills of these sports agents. In order to achieve success (development of the qualitative level of the players and the team and, at the same time, the achievement of the desired sports results), coaches support much of their action in three fundamental aspects: planning, respective intervention and consequent control. Having completed the internship at Sporting Clube Lourinhanense, at under-15 team and A team, I had the opportunity to be involved, simultaneously, in education football and performance football. In controlling my own learning I defined objectives that guided my activities and tasks throughout the season – at planning level, a methodological organization of a microcycle type of a physiologist/fitness coach is proposed; at intervention level, guiding documents were developed to support coaches’ technical and pedagogical decisions; regarding control, one of the differentiating tasks of the stage was the monitoring of the training and competition through a telemetry system that allowed to obtain data related with the internal load. Some tests were also carried out in order to evaluate physical fitness of athletes and team. At scientific level, I focused on two important areas in training and competition, psychology and evaluation and control. Results of the two investigations, although disparate, allowed measurement and evaluation of several variables that influence the development and performance of the athlete and team. Data obtained should be subject of analysis and reflection by coaches, involved in education or performance context. In conclusion, the internship allowed the development of numerous personal and professional skills. Concretization of this formation stage by the coach was another step in the search of knowledge that is in constantly evolution.
Professor Especialista Eduardo Filipe Magalhães Teixeira
Professora Doutora Carla Maria Chicau Costa Borrego
futebol planeamento intervenção avaliação e controlo carga interna dinâmica de equipa football planning intervention evaluation and control internal load team dynamic