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São várias as evidências científicas de que a prática de atividade física moderada durante a
gravidez apresenta benefícios no que diz respeito a aspetos fisiológicos, psicológicos e para a
saúde da mulher e do feto.
Embora existam várias investigações sobre o exercício físico durante a gravidez, poucos são
aqueles que apresentam uma metodologia de treino fundamentada e comprovada.
Este trabalho teve os seguintes objetivos:
- Conhecer a importância atribuída pelas grávidas às características de qualidade dos Técnicos
de Exercício Físico (Estudo 1).
- Construir e validar um programa de exercício físico adaptado à gravidez (Estudo 2).
O Técnico de Exercício Físico tem um papel fundamental para motivar e manter as grávidas
satisfeitas com o programa de exercício, e desta forma, fidelizá-las para a prática de atividade
física ao longo da vida. No entanto, continua a existir pouca adesão aos programas existentes.
A metodologia utilizada pretendeu identificar estes fatores.
Para a validação do programa de exercícios adaptados à gravidez, foram seguidas as Linha
Orientadora Revista para Critérios de Reporte sobre o Desenvolvimento e Avaliação de
Intervenções Complexas em Saúde (CReDECI2), assim como as diretrizes do Consenso sobre
Modelo de Reporte de Programas de Exercício Físico (CERT) para a descrição do programa. A
metodologia utilizada pretendeu validar e testar o programa. Após a validação do programa de
exercícios, as grávidas notaram melhorias ao nível da sua condição física, assim como se
sentiram motivadas e recomendam o programa.
There is ample scientific evidence that the practice of moderate physical activity during pregnancy has benefits with regard to physiological, psychological and health aspects of women and fetuses. Although there are several investigations on physical exercise during pregnancy, few are those that present a well-founded and proven training methodology. This project had the following objectives: - Know the importance attributed by pregnant women to the quality characteristics of Physical Exercise Technicians (Study 1). - Build and validate an exercise program adapted to pregnancy (Study 2). The Fitness Instructor has a fundamental role in motivating and keeping pregnant women satisfied with the exercise program, and in this way, making them loyal to the practice of physical activity throughout their lives. However, there is still little adherence to existing programs. The methods aimed to understand these factors. To build and validate the exercise program adapted to pregnancy, the Revised Guidelines for Reporting Criteria on the Development and Evaluation of Complex Health Interventions (CReDECI2), as well as the guidelines of the Consensus on the Reporting Model of Physical Exercise Programs (CERT) for the description of the program, were used. The methods aimed to build and test the program. these After validating the exercise program, pregnant women noticed improvements in their physical condition, as well as feeling motivated and recommending the program.
There is ample scientific evidence that the practice of moderate physical activity during pregnancy has benefits with regard to physiological, psychological and health aspects of women and fetuses. Although there are several investigations on physical exercise during pregnancy, few are those that present a well-founded and proven training methodology. This project had the following objectives: - Know the importance attributed by pregnant women to the quality characteristics of Physical Exercise Technicians (Study 1). - Build and validate an exercise program adapted to pregnancy (Study 2). The Fitness Instructor has a fundamental role in motivating and keeping pregnant women satisfied with the exercise program, and in this way, making them loyal to the practice of physical activity throughout their lives. However, there is still little adherence to existing programs. The methods aimed to understand these factors. To build and validate the exercise program adapted to pregnancy, the Revised Guidelines for Reporting Criteria on the Development and Evaluation of Complex Health Interventions (CReDECI2), as well as the guidelines of the Consensus on the Reporting Model of Physical Exercise Programs (CERT) for the description of the program, were used. The methods aimed to build and test the program. these After validating the exercise program, pregnant women noticed improvements in their physical condition, as well as feeling motivated and recommending the program.
Dissertação conducente ao grau de Mestre em Atividade Física em Populações Especiais
gravidez saúde técnico de exercício programa de exercício pregnancy health fitness instructor exercise program