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Ao longo da gravidez, as mulheres sofrem alterações anatómicas principalmente ao
nível do peso corporal, distribuição do peso, laxidão articular e força músculo-tendinosa. É
de considerar que estas alterações possam causar modificações no padrão locomotor da
marcha e uma sobrecarga músculo-esquelética, que por sua vez, poderão contribuir para
lesões, desconforto e dor. Com base no modelo teórico dos Sistemas Dinâmicos para os
Sistemas de Acção e nos pressupostos dos constrangimentos na coordenação motora
pretendemos verificar: 1) a influência dos constrangimentos orgânicos no comportamento
locomotor; 2) Verificar se a grávida se auto-organiza de modo a manter um comportamento
locomotor estável; 3) Comparar os comportamentos observados no final da gravidez, com
outros períodos de gestação e pós-parto. Para atingir os objectivos recorremos a um sistema
de captura digital do movimento (Qualisys) com 9 câmaras de infra-vermelhos a uma taxa de
200Hz e duas plataformas de forças com uma amostragem de 1000Hz. O erro máximo
estabelecido na calibração do sistema foi de 1mm. A amostra foi constituída por 8 grávidas
com 28,85±4,60 anos. A tarefa motora realizada foi a marcha, realizada em laboratório com
os pés descalços. Foram realizadas recolhas no início do terceiro trimestre (29,74±2,04
semanas), final do terceiro trimestre (37,32±1,36 semanas) e pós-parto (7,43±0,79 meses). Foi
colocado nos membros inferiores uma configuração específica de marcas através dos
protocolos CODA e Visual3D. Foi realizado o cálculo da potência e momento articular através
de dinâmica inversa. Foi relativizado o peso e posteriormente correlacionado com os
parâmetros temporais, nos quais se verificou uma forte associação entre o peso relativo e os
tempos do ciclo, do passo direito e esquerdo, apoio simples direito e esquerdo, fase de voo
esquerda e duplo apoio. Não se verificaram diferenças significativas no comprimento e
largura do ciclo de marcha. Os momentos de força, potência, distribuição do centro de
pressão, forças de reacção do apoio e ângulos das articulações do membro inferior mostraram
diferenças significativas entre os três momentos de recolha. Os dados analisados, demonstram
que as participantes realizam explorações espontâneas necessárias, para adquirirem um
comportamento mais estável e confortável no final da gravidez, características que suportam a
Throughout pregnancy, women undergo anatomical changes mainly at the level of body weight, weight distribution, joint laxity and muscle-tendon force. It is considered that these changes may cause changes in locomotor pattern gait and musculoskeletal overload, which in turn may contribute to injury, discomfort and pain. Based on the theoretical model of Dynamic Systems to Action Systems and in the assumptions of the motor coordination constraints, the aims of this study were to analyze: 1) the influence of organic constraints on motor behavior, 2) To analyze if pregnant woman self-organize in order to maintain a stable motor behavior and, 3) To compare the patterns observed in late pregnancy with other periods of pregnancy and postpartum. To achieve the goals we have used a digital system for capturing motion with nine infra-red high-speed cameras (Qualisys) at a rate of 200 Hz and two force plates with a sampling of 1000 Hz. The maximum error established in the system calibration was 1mm. The task performed was to walk in the laboratory in barefoot. Three-dimensional gait analysis was performed on eight women (28.85 ± 4.60 years), earlier of third trimester (29.74 ± 2.04 weeks), end of third trimester (37.32 ± 1.36 weeks) and postpartum (7.43 ± 0.79 months). For the modeling of lower limb segments we used CODA and Visual3D markers setup. We performed the calculation of power and joint moment by inverse dynamics. The weight was relativized and was correlated with the temporal parameters, were we found a strong association with time of: gait cycle, right and left step, right and left single support phase, left swing phase and double support phase. There were no statistical differences in length and width of gait cycle. Moments, power, center of pressure distribution, ground reaction forces and joint angles of the lower limb showed statistical differences among the three captures. The results show that participants perform spontaneous exploration to acquire a more stable and comfortable gait in late pregnancy, characteristics that support the "Self-Organization."
Throughout pregnancy, women undergo anatomical changes mainly at the level of body weight, weight distribution, joint laxity and muscle-tendon force. It is considered that these changes may cause changes in locomotor pattern gait and musculoskeletal overload, which in turn may contribute to injury, discomfort and pain. Based on the theoretical model of Dynamic Systems to Action Systems and in the assumptions of the motor coordination constraints, the aims of this study were to analyze: 1) the influence of organic constraints on motor behavior, 2) To analyze if pregnant woman self-organize in order to maintain a stable motor behavior and, 3) To compare the patterns observed in late pregnancy with other periods of pregnancy and postpartum. To achieve the goals we have used a digital system for capturing motion with nine infra-red high-speed cameras (Qualisys) at a rate of 200 Hz and two force plates with a sampling of 1000 Hz. The maximum error established in the system calibration was 1mm. The task performed was to walk in the laboratory in barefoot. Three-dimensional gait analysis was performed on eight women (28.85 ± 4.60 years), earlier of third trimester (29.74 ± 2.04 weeks), end of third trimester (37.32 ± 1.36 weeks) and postpartum (7.43 ± 0.79 months). For the modeling of lower limb segments we used CODA and Visual3D markers setup. We performed the calculation of power and joint moment by inverse dynamics. The weight was relativized and was correlated with the temporal parameters, were we found a strong association with time of: gait cycle, right and left step, right and left single support phase, left swing phase and double support phase. There were no statistical differences in length and width of gait cycle. Moments, power, center of pressure distribution, ground reaction forces and joint angles of the lower limb showed statistical differences among the three captures. The results show that participants perform spontaneous exploration to acquire a more stable and comfortable gait in late pregnancy, characteristics that support the "Self-Organization."
Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Desporto, Especialização em Condição Física e Saúde. Orientadores: Doutor David Paulo Ramalheira Catela e Doutora Rita Alexandra Prior Falhas Santos Rocha
Grávidas sistemas dinâmicos Marcha dinâmica inversa Pregnan gait dynamic systems inverse dynamics
Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior