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O judo é um desporto olímpico de combate, dividido em categorias de peso masculinas e
femininas, marcadamente com diferenças entre si. Essa variabilidade pode marcar amplamente
as opções e predominância das ações técnicas dos judocas. Este estudo teve como objetivo
principal determinar a predominância das ações técnicas utilizadas pelos judocas no
Campeonato da Europa 2021. Foram observados 400 combates, nas diversas categorias de
peso, recorrendo a um sistema de observação respeitando a classificação técnica do Kodokan.
Os resultados revelaram que no combate em Nage-Waza, houve predominância de técnica de
pernas (Ashi-Waza), seguido de braços (Te-Waza), quadril (Koshi-Waza), sacrifício lateral
(Yoko-Sutemi-Waza) e sacrifício frontal (Ma-Sutemi-Waza). Essa tendência foi globalmente
respeitada quer em função da fase, como ao longo do tempo de combate. Quando à eficácia das
técnicas aplicadas, observámos mais técnicas pontuadas com Ippon do que Wazari. Observou se ainda que Shido foi o castigo significativamente mais recorrente durante os combates
Judo is an Olympic combat sport, divided into male and female weight categories, with marked differences between them. This variability can broadly mark the options and predominance of technical actions by judokas. The main objective of this study was to determine the predominance of technical actions used by judokas at the 2021 European Championship. 400 matches were observed, in different weight categories, using an observation system respecting the Kodokan technical classification. The results revealed that in the combat at Nage-Waza, there was a predominance of leg techniques (Ashi-Waza), followed by arms (Te-Waza), hips (Koshi-Waza), lateral sacrifice (Yoko-Sutemi-Waza) and sacrifice frontal (Ma-Sutemi-Waza). This trend was globally respected both in terms of the phase and over the duration of the combat. As for the effectiveness of applied techniques, we observed more techniques scored with Ippon than Wazari. It was also observed that Shido was the significantly more recurrent punishment during male combats.
Judo is an Olympic combat sport, divided into male and female weight categories, with marked differences between them. This variability can broadly mark the options and predominance of technical actions by judokas. The main objective of this study was to determine the predominance of technical actions used by judokas at the 2021 European Championship. 400 matches were observed, in different weight categories, using an observation system respecting the Kodokan technical classification. The results revealed that in the combat at Nage-Waza, there was a predominance of leg techniques (Ashi-Waza), followed by arms (Te-Waza), hips (Koshi-Waza), lateral sacrifice (Yoko-Sutemi-Waza) and sacrifice frontal (Ma-Sutemi-Waza). This trend was globally respected both in terms of the phase and over the duration of the combat. As for the effectiveness of applied techniques, we observed more techniques scored with Ippon than Wazari. It was also observed that Shido was the significantly more recurrent punishment during male combats.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de mestre em Desporto - Atividades desportivas para crianças
análise do desempenho campeonato da Europa competição judo Kodokan performance analysis European Championship competition judo Kodokan