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Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar o papel mediador da satisfação com a vida na relação entre mecanismos de coping e sintomas depressivos na população portuguesa. Para a realização deste trabalho foram convidados a preencher um questionário, de forma voluntária, 313 portugueses com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 70 anos (M = 30,73 ; DP = 10,79). Os participantes assinaram o consentimento informado previamente ao preenchimento dos questionários validados para a população portuguesa. Esses questionários mediram os mecanismos de coping, o grau de satisfação com a vida em geral e os sintomas depressivos.
Os resultados deste estudo revelaram que a satisfação com a vida atua como mediador na relação entre mecanismos de coping adaptativo e sintomas depressivos, sendo o efeito indireto negativo e significativo. A satisfação com a vida também atuou como mediador na relação entre mecanismos de coping mal-adaptativo e sintomas depressivos, sendo o efeito indireto positivo e significativo.
O presente estudo é o primeiro a analisar o papel de mediação da satisfação com a vida entre mecanismos de coping e sintomas depressivos na população portuguesa. Como tal, a presente investigação oferece evidências importantes para que os profissionais de saúde possam promover maiores níveis de satisfação com a vida e menores níveis de indicadores psicológicos negativos (e.g., sintomas depressivos), através da construção de estratégias adaptativas com recurso aos mecanismos de coping que foram analisados individualmente. Estratégias essas que terão como base a aplicação de ferramentas que aumentem o uso do coping adaptativo e reduzam os mecanismos de coping mal-adaptativo.
The purpose of this study was to analyse the mediating role of life satisfaction in the relationship between coping and depressive symptoms in the Portuguese population. To undertake this work, 313 Portuguese aged 18 to 70 years (M = 30.73 ; SD = 10.79) were invited to participate in this study. Their participation was completely voluntary and participants granted and signed informed consent previously to the filling of the Portuguese validated questionnaires. These questionnaires assessed depressive symptoms, coping, and life satisfaction. The results of this study revealed that life satisfaction displayed a mediating role in the relationship between adaptive coping mechanisms and depressive symptoms, showing an negative and significant indirect effect. The results of this study also showed that life satisfaction displayed a mediating role in the relationship between mal-adaptive coping mechanisms and depressive symptoms, showing an positive and significant indirect effect. This study is the first to analyse the mediating role of life satisfaction in the relationship between coping and depressive symptoms in the Portuguese population. Therefore, current investigation provides important evidence that helps health professionals to promote higher levels of life satisfaction and lower levels of negative mental indicators (e.g., depressive symptoms), through the construction of adaptive strategies based on coping mechanisms examined in this study individually. Those strategies will be build on the application of tools that increase the use of adaptive coping and reduce maladaptive coping mechanisms.
The purpose of this study was to analyse the mediating role of life satisfaction in the relationship between coping and depressive symptoms in the Portuguese population. To undertake this work, 313 Portuguese aged 18 to 70 years (M = 30.73 ; SD = 10.79) were invited to participate in this study. Their participation was completely voluntary and participants granted and signed informed consent previously to the filling of the Portuguese validated questionnaires. These questionnaires assessed depressive symptoms, coping, and life satisfaction. The results of this study revealed that life satisfaction displayed a mediating role in the relationship between adaptive coping mechanisms and depressive symptoms, showing an negative and significant indirect effect. The results of this study also showed that life satisfaction displayed a mediating role in the relationship between mal-adaptive coping mechanisms and depressive symptoms, showing an positive and significant indirect effect. This study is the first to analyse the mediating role of life satisfaction in the relationship between coping and depressive symptoms in the Portuguese population. Therefore, current investigation provides important evidence that helps health professionals to promote higher levels of life satisfaction and lower levels of negative mental indicators (e.g., depressive symptoms), through the construction of adaptive strategies based on coping mechanisms examined in this study individually. Those strategies will be build on the application of tools that increase the use of adaptive coping and reduce maladaptive coping mechanisms.
coping adaptativo coping mal-adaptativo satisfação com a vida sintomas depressivos população portuguesa. adaptive coping maladaptive coping life satisfaction depressive symptoms portuguese population