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A investigação centrada nos árbitros tem sido pouca ou escassa, sendo praticamente
inexistente na arbitragem de kumite em Karate.
O presente estudo teve como objetivo, caracterizar o desempenho dos árbitros de
Karate, na competição de kumite, quanto à sua validade, e ainda à fidelidade intra-observador
e à fidelidade inter-observador.
A presente investigação assentou na observação, por parte de árbitros de Karate da
FPKS, de um combate de Karate com a duração de 2 minutos. Desse combate foi realizado
um vídeo com a duração de 8 minutos que reproduzia o combate observado quer da posição
do árbitro, quer da posição de cada um dos juízes.
A recolha de dados foi efetuada em dois momentos, o primeiro com vista a analisar a
validade e a fidelidade inter-observador e o segundo momento, com um intervalo mínimo de
60 dias para verificarmos a fidelidade intra-observador.
Para a análise da validade foi constituída uma comissão de peritos, com o propósito de
se obter uma medida critério.
A observação do vídeo por parte da amostra foi feita individualmente pelos árbitros, em
ambiente fechado, através do software Match Vision Studio, em que se fez o registo da
Utilizámos o índice de Bellack, para aferir a fidelidade intra e inter-observador e a
validade. Aceitando-se um resultado igual ou superior a 80% como garante da fidelidade
(Aranha, 2007, Siedentop, 1983). Foi utilizado o Qui-Quadrado para verificar se havia
diferenças significativas na validade entre árbitros nacionais e regionais e em função da
posição de observação (árbitro ou juiz).
Os valores da fidelidade intra-observador (78,7%) e inter-observador (77,2%) estão
próximos, o que nos diz que a variabilidade encontrada entre os diversos árbitros não é
superior às variações que ocorrem num mesmo árbitro em dois momentos distintos.
A validade, é baixa (72,2%), parecendo-nos existir uma diferença de critérios de
avaliação entre os peritos e os árbitros, o que se deverá conseguir melhorar com formação específica na melhoria da uniformização dos critérios de decisão.
Não encontrámos diferenças significativas entre as duas categorias de árbitros,
nacionais e regionais, quer para a fidelidade intra-observador quer para a fidelidade inter-observador.
No que se refere à validade, encontrámos uma diferença significativa (3,4%, Sig 0,004)
entre os árbitros nacionais e aos árbitros regionais, sendo esta mais alta para os primeiros.
A diferença entre o árbitro e os juízes, é significativa quer para a fidelidade intra-observador (9,9 %, Sig 0,002), quer para a validade (9,8%, Sig 0,004), sendo mais alta para os
Podemos concluir que a validade esteve sempre mais baixa do que a fidelidade intra-observador e a fidelidade inter-observador, o que denota uma divergência de critérios de
avaliação entre os árbitros e os peritos.
A falta de fidelidade intra-observador parece ser a principal condicionante para um melhor desempenho.
An investigation centered on referees has been relatively scarce or non-existent, particularly in regards to refereeing Kumite in Karate. The present study’s objective was to characterize Karate referees’ performance in a Kumite match along with its validity, as well as the intra and inter-observer reliability. This current investigation focused on observations made by Karate referees belonging to the FPKS and entailed a Karate match that lasted two minutes. Based on that match a eight minute video was put together, where it can be seen from the perspective and position of both the referee and each one of the judges. The data was collected during two different periods of time. The first data collected was to analyze the inter-observer’s reliability and the validity. Whereas the second data collection took place within a minimum sixty day interval, in order to verify the intra- observer’s reliability. In order to analyze the validity, a group of experts were commissioned with the purpose of putting together criteria of measure. A sample part of the video was observed individually by the referees, in a closed environment setting and documented with the use of the Match Vision Studio software. The Bellack Index was used to assess the intra and inter-observer’s reliability and validity, therefore accepting a result equal or superior to eighty percent as the guarantor of reliability (Aranha, 2007, Siedentop, 1983). The chi-squared test was used to verify if there were any significant differences in the validity between national and regional referees, as well as, in accordance with the position of the observation (referee or judge). The reliability results were (78,7%) and (77,2%) for the intra-observer and the inter- observer reliability, respectively. The results are in close proximity to each other and one can conclude that the variability between the various referees is not greater than the variations that occur in the same referee at two different periods of time. The validity is low (72,2%), seemingly there is a difference in the assessment criteria between the experts and the referees. This should be improved with the aid of specialized training, in order to better the uniformity of decision criteria. In both the intra and inter-observer’s reliability, no significant differences were found between the national and regional referees. A significant difference of (3,4%, Sig 0,004) was found between the national and regional referees regarding validity, and being even higher for the national referees. The difference between referees and judges is significant when it comes to the intra- observer’s reliability which was (9,9% Sig 0,002) and (9,8%, Sig 0,004) for validity, with the judges being even higher. A conclusion can be made that validity was always lower than the intra and inter- observer’s reliability, which denotes a divergence in the assessment criteria between referees and experts. The lack of the intra-observer’s reliability seems to be a major constraining factor for a better performance.
An investigation centered on referees has been relatively scarce or non-existent, particularly in regards to refereeing Kumite in Karate. The present study’s objective was to characterize Karate referees’ performance in a Kumite match along with its validity, as well as the intra and inter-observer reliability. This current investigation focused on observations made by Karate referees belonging to the FPKS and entailed a Karate match that lasted two minutes. Based on that match a eight minute video was put together, where it can be seen from the perspective and position of both the referee and each one of the judges. The data was collected during two different periods of time. The first data collected was to analyze the inter-observer’s reliability and the validity. Whereas the second data collection took place within a minimum sixty day interval, in order to verify the intra- observer’s reliability. In order to analyze the validity, a group of experts were commissioned with the purpose of putting together criteria of measure. A sample part of the video was observed individually by the referees, in a closed environment setting and documented with the use of the Match Vision Studio software. The Bellack Index was used to assess the intra and inter-observer’s reliability and validity, therefore accepting a result equal or superior to eighty percent as the guarantor of reliability (Aranha, 2007, Siedentop, 1983). The chi-squared test was used to verify if there were any significant differences in the validity between national and regional referees, as well as, in accordance with the position of the observation (referee or judge). The reliability results were (78,7%) and (77,2%) for the intra-observer and the inter- observer reliability, respectively. The results are in close proximity to each other and one can conclude that the variability between the various referees is not greater than the variations that occur in the same referee at two different periods of time. The validity is low (72,2%), seemingly there is a difference in the assessment criteria between the experts and the referees. This should be improved with the aid of specialized training, in order to better the uniformity of decision criteria. In both the intra and inter-observer’s reliability, no significant differences were found between the national and regional referees. A significant difference of (3,4%, Sig 0,004) was found between the national and regional referees regarding validity, and being even higher for the national referees. The difference between referees and judges is significant when it comes to the intra- observer’s reliability which was (9,9% Sig 0,002) and (9,8%, Sig 0,004) for validity, with the judges being even higher. A conclusion can be made that validity was always lower than the intra and inter- observer’s reliability, which denotes a divergence in the assessment criteria between referees and experts. The lack of the intra-observer’s reliability seems to be a major constraining factor for a better performance.
Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Desporto com especialização em Treino Desportivo, por Fernando José de Carvalho Fidalgo. Orientador: Professor Doutor Félix Romero
Arbitragem Karate Kumite Fidelidade Validade Observação Avaliação Refereeing Karate Kumite Reliability Validity Observation Evaluation
Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior