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Nos dias de hoje, não há uma política nítida de inclusão de pessoas de terceira idade nos espaços escolares. Somente alguns raros Institutos Federais – IF e algumas universidades, na sua maioria privadas, possuem turmas de cursos que se adaptaram para alunos idosos, indicando a necessidade de criação de cursos direcionados para essa faixa etária, tais como de alfabetização e letramento, artesanato, costura, crochê, tecnologia da informação, entre outros, além de adaptações relacionados à mobilidade e acessibilidade, além da necessidade da capacitação, conscientização e sensibilização do corpo docente e dos colaboradores para a adequada recepção de idosos. Desse modo, o problema da pesquisa aqui apresentado foi identificar quais políticas públicas têm sido implementadas nos IF com a meta de incluir a população idosa em sua oferta de cursos e formações. É conspícua a preocupação do poder público para achar uma forma efetiva de atender a essa nova comunidade, que necessita de carinho e de atenção diferenciadas e que de forma lenta vem conquistando seu espaço na procura de saúde, qualidade de vida e, essencialmente, respeito aos seus direitos e a sua experiência acumulada por toda uma existência. Após a pesquisa que entrevistou estudantes, professores e gestores envolvidos com ações desenvolvidas em três Campus do Instituto Federal de Brasília – IFB, observou-se visível sucesso em relação ao interesse por parte dos idosos em estarem aprendendo e tento acesso à educação, além dos aspectos positivos da sociabilidade com colegas de turma e com os professores e gestores.
Nowadays, is very difficult to find clear orientations about inclusion for the people of The Third Age in school spaces. Just a very few number of Federal Institutes and some universities, mostly private, have provided courses adapted to older students, indicating the need of creating opportunities directed to this age group, such as literacy, arts, crafts, digital inclusion, and others. Besides, is also importante to take care about mobility and accessibility, continous teacheres’s training, and awareness among faculty and staff to adequately receive the elderly. The research problem was to identify which public policies have been implemented in the Federal Institutes related of including the elderly population in their educational offers. It's important to highlight that the public power is concerned to find an effective way of attending to this new community, which needs different care and attention and that slowly has been conquering its space in the search for health, quality of life and, essentially, their rights and accumulated experiences over a lifetime. After interviewed students, teachers and managers involved with actions developed in three Campuses of the Federal Institute of Brasília (IFB), there was visible success related to elderly interest in being learning and trying to access education actions, besides the aspects related to sociability with classmates and with teachers and directors.
Nowadays, is very difficult to find clear orientations about inclusion for the people of The Third Age in school spaces. Just a very few number of Federal Institutes and some universities, mostly private, have provided courses adapted to older students, indicating the need of creating opportunities directed to this age group, such as literacy, arts, crafts, digital inclusion, and others. Besides, is also importante to take care about mobility and accessibility, continous teacheres’s training, and awareness among faculty and staff to adequately receive the elderly. The research problem was to identify which public policies have been implemented in the Federal Institutes related of including the elderly population in their educational offers. It's important to highlight that the public power is concerned to find an effective way of attending to this new community, which needs different care and attention and that slowly has been conquering its space in the search for health, quality of life and, essentially, their rights and accumulated experiences over a lifetime. After interviewed students, teachers and managers involved with actions developed in three Campuses of the Federal Institute of Brasília (IFB), there was visible success related to elderly interest in being learning and trying to access education actions, besides the aspects related to sociability with classmates and with teachers and directors.
Trabalho de Projeto apresentado para obtenção do grau de Mestre no âmbito do Mestrado em Ciências da Educação/Administração Educacional da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém.
Institutos Federais (IF) terceira idade idosos cursos políticas públicas federal institutes third age elderly courses public policy