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No primeiro, documento a contribuição dos estágios integrados na Prática de Ensino Supervisionada do Mestrado em Primeiro Ciclo do Ensino Básico e de Português e História e Geografia de Portugal no Segundo Ciclo do Ensino Básico para o desenvolvimento e obtenção de competências profissionais e pessoais.
No segundo, apresento uma pesquisa-intervenção referente às conceções das crianças do Ensino Básico sobre a identidade “mouro” decorrentes do ensino do período da Reconquista Cristã.
A pesquisa-intervenção questionou em que medida o ensino sobre o período da Reconquista Cristã a crianças portuguesas de uma comunidade de maioria cristã influencia a conceção destas sobre a identidade “mouro” e sobre a sua própria identidade de portuguesas. A investigação baseou-se na interação da análise da documentação curricular pertinente com a observação de dinâmicas de aula, uma intervenção em que as crianças ilustraram personagens e eventos de um conto que retratava um conflito mouro/cristão e a análise de respostas a um inquérito em linha sobre esse mesmo conto. Embora o caráter introdutório desta investigação, a reduzida amostra de crianças do 1.º CEB e a ainda mais reduzida do 2.º CEB impeça a generalização dos resultados, estes levam a concluir que as crianças constroem a sua conceção de “mouro” a partir do que lhes é previamente ensinado na escola no conteúdo programático “Reconquista Cristã” e, no caso de não terem presentes os conteúdos deste ensino, a partir das representações de “mouro” que buscam e encontram na internet. O produto final deste ensino - que coincide com as representações da internet - é o “mouro” ser para estas crianças apenas o membro de um grupo que luta contra os membros de um outro grupo, o grupo dos cristãos, com o qual implicitamente se identificam. O “mouro” é para elas o “Outro”, o oponente.
No terceiro e último capítulo reflito sobre o percurso cognitivo e pedagógico que efetuei durante a elaboração deste trabalho e sobre a influência deste processo de elaboração, em si, na minha formação para a docência.
In the first chapter, this report documents the contribution of the internships integrated in the Supervised Teaching Practice of the Master in the First Cycle of Basic Education and of Portuguese and History and Geography of Portugal in the Second Cycle of Basic Education for the development and obtaining of professional and personal skills . In the second, it investigates the extent to which the way the Christian Reconquista period is taught to Portuguese children from a Christian majority community influences their conception of “Moorish” identity and their own identity as Portuguese. In what is observed in the children of the First Cycle of Basic Education, although the introductory character of this investigation prevents the generalization of the results, the conclusion is that they build their conception of “moor” from what is presented to them in school throughout the study of the Christian Reconquista; however, the result of this teaching is that the "Moor" is for them only a member of a group that fights against Christians: it is the “other”, the opponent. The third chapter reflects on the cognitive and pedagogical path taken during the elaboration of this final work and on the influence of the work elaboration process, in itself, in the training for teaching. The study was based on the observation of class dynamics and on the analysis of curricular documents that refer to the teaching of the Study of the Environment, namely the teaching of the History of the Christian Reconquista in Portugal, alongside those that support intercultural and multicultural education.
In the first chapter, this report documents the contribution of the internships integrated in the Supervised Teaching Practice of the Master in the First Cycle of Basic Education and of Portuguese and History and Geography of Portugal in the Second Cycle of Basic Education for the development and obtaining of professional and personal skills . In the second, it investigates the extent to which the way the Christian Reconquista period is taught to Portuguese children from a Christian majority community influences their conception of “Moorish” identity and their own identity as Portuguese. In what is observed in the children of the First Cycle of Basic Education, although the introductory character of this investigation prevents the generalization of the results, the conclusion is that they build their conception of “moor” from what is presented to them in school throughout the study of the Christian Reconquista; however, the result of this teaching is that the "Moor" is for them only a member of a group that fights against Christians: it is the “other”, the opponent. The third chapter reflects on the cognitive and pedagogical path taken during the elaboration of this final work and on the influence of the work elaboration process, in itself, in the training for teaching. The study was based on the observation of class dynamics and on the analysis of curricular documents that refer to the teaching of the Study of the Environment, namely the teaching of the History of the Christian Reconquista in Portugal, alongside those that support intercultural and multicultural education.
identidade “Mouro” reconquista cristã ensino da história de Portugal multiculturalidade primeiro e segundo ciclo de educação básica moorish identity christian resconquista history teaching multiculturalism first and second portuguese cycle of basic education