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Na técnica de bruços, apesar das oscilações verticais das partes do corpo
(vértex, ombros, anca, joelhos e tornozelos) serem identificadas como
características da performance dos nadadores de elite, há poucos trabalhos
que quantifiquem a magnitude dessas oscilações, e as relações temporais
entre elas. Sanders et al. (1993, 1995, 1998) procurou investigar as
características ondulatórias da técnica de bruços, nomeadamente o
deslocamento da onda no sentido cefálo-caudal, retirando algumas conclusões
nomeadamente: que a percentagem de força contida na frequência
fundamental do vértex da cabeça e dos ombros aumenta, à medida que os
nadadores alteram a sua técnica de um estilo convencional para uma acção
ondulatória, e que os nadadores com melhores performances, ondulam a sua
anca espontaneamente, ao qual está relacionado com a redução do movimento
vertical do CM.O autor verificou também que nas técnicas com características
ondulatórias se deve dar especial ênfase à direcção de propagação de onda ao
longo do corpo durante o nado, sendo fundamental a realização de estudos
para determinar a frequência, a amplitude e as características das fases da
ondulação vertical do vértex da cabeça, ombros, ancas, joelhos e tornozelos de
modo a conseguir verificar que a onda se desloca ao longo do corpo, numa
direcção céfalo-caudal. Neste âmbito,o objectivo deste estudo consistiu em
analisar as características das componentes do movimento ondulatório na
técnica de bruços e a sua influência na eficácia de nado, em duas condições de
nado, bruços com snorkel(BR) e bruços sem snorkel(SNK), ou seja,
pretendemos verificar em que medida é que através da utilização do snorkel, a
técnica de nado (bruços) sofre alterações, e quais as repercussões na onda
A amostra foi constituída por 8 nadadores portugueses do género masculino,
especialistas na técnica de bruços, com elevado nível competitivo (21.25± 6.73
anos; 71.14± 12.39 kg; altura:1.77±0.03 cm; envergadura: 1.84 ± 0.03 cm;
%MG: 14.89±6.41). Recolheram-se imagens de duplo meio, para posterior
digitalização e processamento através do APAS. Foi aplicada a análise de
Fourier para detectar a existência de uma onda céfalo caudal e os respectivos
Análise das Características Ondulatórias da Técnica de Bruços- Comparação entre
Bruços com e sem snorkel
ESDRM Mestrado em Desporto especialização em Treino Desportivo
valores de ondulação e o número de Strouhal(St), que consiste num número
adimensional que permite descrever um padrão de movimento oscilatório, com
base na frequência gestual(Hz) multiplicada pela amplitude dos MI(dada pelo
tornozelo) e dividida pela velocidade de nado. O valor para o número de
Strouhal encontrado para a nossa amostra foi de 0.41 em BR e 0.53 para SNK
valor semelhante ao correspondente à maior eficiência do movimento para
peixes e golfinhos, o que poderá corresponder a movimentos ondulatórios do
corpo mais próximos daqueles que são apresentados pelos peixes e golfinhos
e mais eficientes. Em média, os nadadores, durante um ciclo completo de MS,
percorrem uma distância de 1.47 m.c
(DP=0.44) na condição BR e 1.22 m.c
(DP=0.44) na condição SNK , com uma frequência gestual de 43.32 ciclos por
unidade de tempo (DP=9.21) em BR e 45.34 ciclos por unidade de tempo em
SNK e um índice de nado correspondente a 1.56 em BR e 1.19 em SNK.
Na frequência fundamental de Fourier (H1), a frequência apresenta valores
próximos de 0.76 Hz para todos os nadadores em BR e 0.78 Hz em SNK, ou
seja, em cada segundo apenas está apresentada 0.76 ou 0.78 partes de uma
oscilação. Em H2, a frequência apresenta valores médios de 1.52 Hz em BR e
1.56 Hz em SNK.
A amplitude média de ondulação na condição BR é superior á condição SNK
excepto no segmento corporal referente ao dedo do pé (0.14 m BR e 0.15m
SNK). Em BR os valores de amplitude média mais elevado encontram-se no
vértex (0.72m) e cervical(0.32m), tal como na condição SNK, vértex(0.71m) e
Uma elevada percentagem da potência total da onda, está contida na
frequência fundamental de Fourier (H1) para o ombro, cervical, joelho e tronco
na condição BR e para a cervical, ombro e joelho na condição SNK, o que
poderá significar que a amplitude da cervical até ao joelho, correspondem a
fases importantes para o movimento sinusoidal.
In the breaststroke technique, despite the vertical oscillations of body parts (vertex, shoulder, hip, knees and ankles) are identified as characteristics of the performance of elite swimmers, there are few papers that quantify the magnitude of these oscillations and the temporal relationships between them. Sanders et al. (1993, 1995, 1998) sought to investigate the wave characteristics of the technique on his stomach, including the displacement of the wave in the cephalad-caudal, drawing some conclusions including: the percentage of power contained in the fundamental frequency of the vertex of the head and shoulders increases , as the swimmers modify their technique to a conventional style to wave action, and that swimmers with better performances, curl your hip spontaneously, which is related to the reduction of the vertical movement of the Center of Mass(CM). The author also found that the techniques with wave characteristics should be given special emphasis to the direction of wave propagation along the body during swimming, being the fundamental studies to determine the frequency, amplitude and phase characteristics of the vertical undulation the vertex of the head, shoulders, hips, knees and ankles in order to be able to verify that the wave moves along the body in a cephalo-caudal direction. In this context, the objective of this study was to analyze the characteristics of the components of wave motion in the breaststroke technique and its influence on the effectiveness of swim under two conditions of swimming, without snorkel (BR) and snorkeling (SNK) or that is, we want to check to what extent using the snorkel, the technique of swimming (breaststroke) remains unchanged, and what the repercussions in the cephalo-caudal wave. The sample consisted of eight (8) swimmers Portuguese males, experts in the technique of breaststroke, with a high competitive level (21.25 ± 6.73 years; 12:39 ± 71.14 kg, height: 1.77 ± 0.03 cm, wingspan: 1.84 ± 0.03 cm;% MG: 14.89 ± 6.41). They gathered up pictures of half double for subsequent scanning and processing through the APAS. Was applied Fourier analysis to detect the existence of a wave cephalo-caudal flow and ripple their values and Strouhal number (St), which is a dimensionless number that allows you to describe a pattern of oscillating movement, gesture based on the frequency (Hz) multiplied by the extent of MI (given by the ankle) and divided by the speed of swimming. The value for the Strouhal number found for our sample was 0.41 and 0.53 in BR for SNK value similar to that corresponding to the greater efficiency of movement for fish and dolphins, which can match the undulations of the body closer to those that display by fish and dolphins and more efficient. On average, the swimmers during a full course of MS, traverse a distance of 1.47 mc -1 (SD = 0.44) in the BR condition mc -1 and 1.22 (SD = 0.44) SNK provided with a frequency of 43.32 cycles gestural per unit time (SD = 9.21) in BR and 45.34 cycles per unit time with SNK and an index of swimming in BR corresponding to 1.56 and 1.19 in SNK. At the fundamental frequency of Fourier (H1), the frequency has values close to 0.76 Hz for all swimmers in BR and 0.78 Hz in SNK, ie, every second is presented only 0.76 or 0.78 parts of an oscillation. In H2, the frequency average values of 1.52 Hz and 1.56 Hz in BR in SNK. The average amplitude of ripples in the BR condition is superior to the condition SNK body segment except in referring to the toe (0.14 m and 0.15m SNK BR). In BR amplitude values mean higher are the vertex (0.72m) and cervical (0.32m), as provided SNK, vertex (0.71m) and cervical (0.28m). A high percentage of the total power of the wave, is contained in the Fourier fundamental frequency (H1) to the shoulder, neck, knee and chest condition in BR and the cervical, shoulder and knee in SNK condition, which may mean that the amplitude the neck to the knee, they correspond to important phases for the sinusoidal motion.
In the breaststroke technique, despite the vertical oscillations of body parts (vertex, shoulder, hip, knees and ankles) are identified as characteristics of the performance of elite swimmers, there are few papers that quantify the magnitude of these oscillations and the temporal relationships between them. Sanders et al. (1993, 1995, 1998) sought to investigate the wave characteristics of the technique on his stomach, including the displacement of the wave in the cephalad-caudal, drawing some conclusions including: the percentage of power contained in the fundamental frequency of the vertex of the head and shoulders increases , as the swimmers modify their technique to a conventional style to wave action, and that swimmers with better performances, curl your hip spontaneously, which is related to the reduction of the vertical movement of the Center of Mass(CM). The author also found that the techniques with wave characteristics should be given special emphasis to the direction of wave propagation along the body during swimming, being the fundamental studies to determine the frequency, amplitude and phase characteristics of the vertical undulation the vertex of the head, shoulders, hips, knees and ankles in order to be able to verify that the wave moves along the body in a cephalo-caudal direction. In this context, the objective of this study was to analyze the characteristics of the components of wave motion in the breaststroke technique and its influence on the effectiveness of swim under two conditions of swimming, without snorkel (BR) and snorkeling (SNK) or that is, we want to check to what extent using the snorkel, the technique of swimming (breaststroke) remains unchanged, and what the repercussions in the cephalo-caudal wave. The sample consisted of eight (8) swimmers Portuguese males, experts in the technique of breaststroke, with a high competitive level (21.25 ± 6.73 years; 12:39 ± 71.14 kg, height: 1.77 ± 0.03 cm, wingspan: 1.84 ± 0.03 cm;% MG: 14.89 ± 6.41). They gathered up pictures of half double for subsequent scanning and processing through the APAS. Was applied Fourier analysis to detect the existence of a wave cephalo-caudal flow and ripple their values and Strouhal number (St), which is a dimensionless number that allows you to describe a pattern of oscillating movement, gesture based on the frequency (Hz) multiplied by the extent of MI (given by the ankle) and divided by the speed of swimming. The value for the Strouhal number found for our sample was 0.41 and 0.53 in BR for SNK value similar to that corresponding to the greater efficiency of movement for fish and dolphins, which can match the undulations of the body closer to those that display by fish and dolphins and more efficient. On average, the swimmers during a full course of MS, traverse a distance of 1.47 mc -1 (SD = 0.44) in the BR condition mc -1 and 1.22 (SD = 0.44) SNK provided with a frequency of 43.32 cycles gestural per unit time (SD = 9.21) in BR and 45.34 cycles per unit time with SNK and an index of swimming in BR corresponding to 1.56 and 1.19 in SNK. At the fundamental frequency of Fourier (H1), the frequency has values close to 0.76 Hz for all swimmers in BR and 0.78 Hz in SNK, ie, every second is presented only 0.76 or 0.78 parts of an oscillation. In H2, the frequency average values of 1.52 Hz and 1.56 Hz in BR in SNK. The average amplitude of ripples in the BR condition is superior to the condition SNK body segment except in referring to the toe (0.14 m and 0.15m SNK BR). In BR amplitude values mean higher are the vertex (0.72m) and cervical (0.32m), as provided SNK, vertex (0.71m) and cervical (0.28m). A high percentage of the total power of the wave, is contained in the Fourier fundamental frequency (H1) to the shoulder, neck, knee and chest condition in BR and the cervical, shoulder and knee in SNK condition, which may mean that the amplitude the neck to the knee, they correspond to important phases for the sinusoidal motion.
Dissertação de mestrado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Desporto, especialização em Treino Desportivo, por Ana Teresa Silveira Conceição. Orientador :Prof. Doutor. António José Rocha da Silva; Co-Orientador: Prof. Doutor. Hugo Duarte Gonçalo Louro.
Natação Biomecânica Snorkel Técnica de Bruços Ondulação Análise de Fourier Swimming Biomechanics Breaststroke Technique Snorkel Undulatory motion Fourier analysis
Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior