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O efeito da pandemia COVID-19 no acesso a métodos contracetivos, na ocorrência de gestações não planeadas e na interrupção-voluntária-da-gravidez, em Portugal, é ainda desconhecido. É possível que o maior isolamento das populações e a reorganização dos cuidados de saúde para fazer face ao elevado número de infeções, possa ter reduzido a acessibilidade às consultas de planeamento familiar com repercussões na interrupção-voluntária-da-gravidez.
Avaliar o impacto da pandemia COVID-19 no número e perfil das mulheres que realizaram uma interrupção-voluntária-da-gravidez num hospital terciário português.
Desenho do Estudo:
Observacional e retrospetivo.
1287 mulheres que realizaram uma interrupção-voluntária-da-gravidez.
Dados recolhidos através dos processos clínicos informatizados onde foram avaliadas as caraterísticas sociodemográficas e reprodutivas das mulheres que realizaram interrupções-voluntárias-da-gravidez, entre janeiro de 2019 e dezembro de 2020. O ano 2019 foi considerado como período pré-pandémico e 2020 o primeiro ano da pandemia.
Em 2020, verificou-se um ligeiro aumento no número de interrupções-voluntárias-da-gravidez. As mulheres são, maioritariamente, portuguesas, nulíparas e solteiras. Observa-se uma redução do número de interrupções-de-gravidez nas adolescentes e um aumento em mulheres com idade superior a 31 anos, ensino secundário, desempregadas, com pouca qualificação laboral e estudantes. Assinala-se uma pronunciada redução (38%), das interrupções-voluntárias-da-gravidez agendadas através dos cuidados primários e com médico de família. Verifica-se um incremento (18%) no número de consultas de follow-up hospitalar e um decréscimo (45%) nas de planeamento familiar agendadas no centro de saúde. Um número elevado de mulheres não utilizava contraceção antes do procedimento. Assistiu-se a um aumento de 8,6% das que escolheram contracetivos-reversíveis-de-longa-duração e o anel vaginal após o procedimento.
Em 2020, ocorreu uma clara diminuição da resposta dos cuidados primários na área do planeamento familiar. As mulheres, eram mais velhas, desempregadas, sem qualificação ou estudantes, optando por contracetivos reversíveis de longa duração e anel vaginal.
Introduction: The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on access to contraceptive methods, the occurrence of unplanned pregnancies and voluntary termination-of-pregnancy in Portugal is still unknown. It is possible that the greater isolation of populations and the reorganization of health care to deal with the high number of infections may have reduced accessibility to family planning appointment with repercussions on voluntary termination-of-pregnancy. Objectives: To assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the number of voluntary termination-of-pregnancy in a Portuguese tertiary hospital. Study Design: Observational and retrospective. Population: 1287 women who underwent a voluntary termination-of-pregnancy. Methods: Data collected through computerized clinical processes where the sociodemographic and reproductive characteristics of women who underwent voluntary termination-of-pregnancy were evaluated, between January 2019 and December 2020. The year 2019 was considered a pre-pandemic period and 2020 the first year of the pandemic. Results: In 2020, there was an increase in the number of voluntary pregnancy-interruptions. The women are mostly Portuguese, nulliparous and single. There is a reduction in the number of abortions among teenagers and an increase in women aged over 31 years, secondary education, unemployed, with little work qualification and students. There was a pronounced reduction (38%) of voluntary pregnancy-interruptions scheduled through primary care and with a family doctor. There is an increase (18%) in the number of hospital follow-up appointment and a decrease (45%) in family planning consultations scheduled at the health center. A high number of women did not use contraception before the procedure, there was an increase of 8,6% of those who chose long-acting-reversible-contraceptives and the vaginal ring after the procedure. Conclusion: In 2020, there was a clear decrease in the response of primary care in the area of family planning. The women, who were older, unemployed, unskilled or students, opted for long-acting reversible contraceptives and a vaginal ring.
Introduction: The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on access to contraceptive methods, the occurrence of unplanned pregnancies and voluntary termination-of-pregnancy in Portugal is still unknown. It is possible that the greater isolation of populations and the reorganization of health care to deal with the high number of infections may have reduced accessibility to family planning appointment with repercussions on voluntary termination-of-pregnancy. Objectives: To assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the number of voluntary termination-of-pregnancy in a Portuguese tertiary hospital. Study Design: Observational and retrospective. Population: 1287 women who underwent a voluntary termination-of-pregnancy. Methods: Data collected through computerized clinical processes where the sociodemographic and reproductive characteristics of women who underwent voluntary termination-of-pregnancy were evaluated, between January 2019 and December 2020. The year 2019 was considered a pre-pandemic period and 2020 the first year of the pandemic. Results: In 2020, there was an increase in the number of voluntary pregnancy-interruptions. The women are mostly Portuguese, nulliparous and single. There is a reduction in the number of abortions among teenagers and an increase in women aged over 31 years, secondary education, unemployed, with little work qualification and students. There was a pronounced reduction (38%) of voluntary pregnancy-interruptions scheduled through primary care and with a family doctor. There is an increase (18%) in the number of hospital follow-up appointment and a decrease (45%) in family planning consultations scheduled at the health center. A high number of women did not use contraception before the procedure, there was an increase of 8,6% of those who chose long-acting-reversible-contraceptives and the vaginal ring after the procedure. Conclusion: In 2020, there was a clear decrease in the response of primary care in the area of family planning. The women, who were older, unemployed, unskilled or students, opted for long-acting reversible contraceptives and a vaginal ring.
Aborto Induzido Contraceção Covid-19 Pandemia Planeamento Familiar Contraception Family planning services Induced abortion Pandemic
Palma, S., Presado, H., São João, R., Godinho, A. B., Mira, A. R., Pereira, A. & Ayres-de-Campos, D. (2023). Perfil das mulheres que recorrem a uma interrupção voluntária da gravidez num hospital terciário português : período pré e pandémico ao COVID-19. Acta Obstétrica e Ginecológica Portuguesa, 17(1), 28-36.