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Esta investigação, centra-se na no efeito de um programa de exercício físico
supervisionado na qualidade de vida de individuos diagnosticados com Fibromialgia, do
sexo feminino ao longo de oito meses. Para tal, primeiramente é abordada a
problemática subjacente a esta investigação e definidos os objetivos do trabalho a ser
realizado. Em seguida, é realizado um enquadramento teórico onde se clarificam os
principais conceitos abordados e descritas as principais opções metodológicas inerentes
à investigação apresentada. Encontra-se divididida em 3 estudos: estudo 1- efeitos de
um programa de treino combinado em individuos diagnosticados com Fibromialgia:
revisão sistemática; estudo 2 – desenvolvimento e validação de um programa de
exercício físico para mulheres diagnosticadas com Fibromialgia; estudo 3 – efeito de um
programa de exercício físico combinado na saúde e na capacidade funcional em
individuos diagnosticados com Fibromialgia. Os resultados obtidos nos diferentes
estudos indicam a validade e fiabilidade de um programa de exercício físico combinado
na saúde e na capacidade funcional das participantes, bem como as diferenças
significativas no momento inicial e no momento final de avaliação. A informação
recolhida, poderá contribuir para a aprendizagem e reflexão futura sobre a utilização de
programas de exercício físico combinados nesta população crónica, tendo por base, os
efeitos significativos encontrados ao longo da investigação apresentada.
This research focuses on the effect of a supervised physical exercise program on the quality of life of individuals diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, female, during eight months. To this end, the underlying problematic of this research is first addressed and the objectives of the work to be done are defined. Then, a theoretical framework is carried out to clarify the main concepts addressed and to describe the main methodological options inherent to the research presented. It is divided into 3 studies: study 1 - effects of a combined training program on individuals diagnosed with Fibromyalgia: a systematic review; study 2 - development and validation of an exercise program for women diagnosed with Fibromyalgia; study 3 - effect of a combined exercise program on health and functional capacity in individuals diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. The results obtained in the different studies indicate the validity and reliability of a combined exercise program on the health and functional capacity of the participants, as well as the significant differences at the initial and final evaluation. The information collected may contribute to the learning and future reflection on the use of combined exercise programs in this chronic population, based on the significant effects found throughout the research presented.
This research focuses on the effect of a supervised physical exercise program on the quality of life of individuals diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, female, during eight months. To this end, the underlying problematic of this research is first addressed and the objectives of the work to be done are defined. Then, a theoretical framework is carried out to clarify the main concepts addressed and to describe the main methodological options inherent to the research presented. It is divided into 3 studies: study 1 - effects of a combined training program on individuals diagnosed with Fibromyalgia: a systematic review; study 2 - development and validation of an exercise program for women diagnosed with Fibromyalgia; study 3 - effect of a combined exercise program on health and functional capacity in individuals diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. The results obtained in the different studies indicate the validity and reliability of a combined exercise program on the health and functional capacity of the participants, as well as the significant differences at the initial and final evaluation. The information collected may contribute to the learning and future reflection on the use of combined exercise programs in this chronic population, based on the significant effects found throughout the research presented.
fibromialgia exercício físico programa de exercício exercise program fibromyalgia physical exercise