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A prevalência mundial de excesso de peso e obesidade infantil tem vindo a aumentar
consideravelmente nos últimos anos. Portugal tem acompanhado esta tendência, sendo um dos países
da Europa com maior percentagem de crianças obesas e o país que detém a maior percentagem de
sedentarismo na União Europeia. A literatura tem vindo a demonstrar que a escola poderá
desempenhar um papel muito importante na promoção do exercício e saúde em jovens em idade
Este estudo teve como objetivos: 1) promover e implementar um programa de atividade física para a
população infantil, atendendo às suas caraterísticas e necessidades, incluindo sessões de exercício
realizadas em ginásio/pavilhão disponibilizados pela escola e; 2) avaliar os efeitos de um programa de
exercício físico no padrão de atividade física, condição física e na composição corporal em meninas dos
6 aos 11 anos e comparar com os resultados obtidos após a aplicação do programa.
A amostra foi constituída por meninas dos 6 aos 11 anos das escolas do 1º Ciclo do concelho de Torres
Vedras que entregaram o consentimento informado devidamente assinado pelos encarregados de
educação. Os instrumentos utilizados para avaliar as principais variáveis foram: questionário QAPACE -
Quantification de l’Activite Physique en Altitude Chez le Enfants - para avaliar o padrão de atividade
física, o Fitnessgram para avaliar a condição física e a composição corporal foi avaliada através dos
percentis do Índice de Massa Corporal, perímetros e pregas adiposas, segundo o protocolo da ISAK
(Internacional Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry). Para analisar os dados recolhidos foi
utilizada uma estatística descritiva. A principal limitação do estudo foi o facto de não ter sido possível
recolher dados do grupo de controlo.
Através dos resultados verificámos que houve um ligeiro aumento do padrão de atividade física, na
condição física os resultados foram bastante relevantes, sendo que houve uma grande melhoria da
condição física. Na composição corporal não houve diferenças na percentagem de massa gorda e na
relação cinta/anca, e verificou-se uma melhoria dos percentis do Índice de Massa Corporal.
The worldwide prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity has increased considerably in recent years. Portugal has followed this trend, being one of the European countries with the highest percentage of obese children and the country that has the highest percentage of sedentary lifestyles in the European Union. The literature has shown that schools can play a very important role in promoting exercise and health in schoolchildren. The purposes of the study were: 1) to promote and implement a physical activity programme for children, in view of their characteristics and needs, including exercise sessions in the gymnasium/pavilion provided by the school and; 2) to evaluate the effects of an exercise programme on the physical activity pattern, physical fitness and body composition of girls aged between 6 and 11, and compare them with the results obtained after the programme’s implementation. The sample consisted of girls aged between 6 and 11 years from primary schools in the municipality of Torres Vedras, Portugal, who delivered the informed consent duly signed by their parents or legal guardians. The instruments used to assess the main variables were: QAPACE questionnaire - Quantification de l’Activite Physique en Altitude Chez le Enfants – to assess the physical activity pattern; the Fitnessgram, to assess physical fitness; and the body composition was assessed through the percentiles of Body Mass Index, perimeters and skin folds, according to the ISAK protocol (International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry). Descriptive statistics were used to describe and analyse the data collected. The main limitation of the study was the fact that it was not possible to collect data in the control group. From the results, we found that there was a slight increase in the level of the physical activity; in the physical fitness the results were quite relevant, with a great improvement; in body composition there was no difference in the percentage of fat mass and waist-hip ratio; there was an improvement in the percentiles of body mass index.
The worldwide prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity has increased considerably in recent years. Portugal has followed this trend, being one of the European countries with the highest percentage of obese children and the country that has the highest percentage of sedentary lifestyles in the European Union. The literature has shown that schools can play a very important role in promoting exercise and health in schoolchildren. The purposes of the study were: 1) to promote and implement a physical activity programme for children, in view of their characteristics and needs, including exercise sessions in the gymnasium/pavilion provided by the school and; 2) to evaluate the effects of an exercise programme on the physical activity pattern, physical fitness and body composition of girls aged between 6 and 11, and compare them with the results obtained after the programme’s implementation. The sample consisted of girls aged between 6 and 11 years from primary schools in the municipality of Torres Vedras, Portugal, who delivered the informed consent duly signed by their parents or legal guardians. The instruments used to assess the main variables were: QAPACE questionnaire - Quantification de l’Activite Physique en Altitude Chez le Enfants – to assess the physical activity pattern; the Fitnessgram, to assess physical fitness; and the body composition was assessed through the percentiles of Body Mass Index, perimeters and skin folds, according to the ISAK protocol (International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry). Descriptive statistics were used to describe and analyse the data collected. The main limitation of the study was the fact that it was not possible to collect data in the control group. From the results, we found that there was a slight increase in the level of the physical activity; in the physical fitness the results were quite relevant, with a great improvement; in body composition there was no difference in the percentage of fat mass and waist-hip ratio; there was an improvement in the percentiles of body mass index.
Orientadora: Professora Doutora Rita Alexandra Prior Falhas Santos Rocha
Atividade Física Composição Corporal Condição Física Crianças Programa de Exercício Físico Body composition children physical activity physical condition physical exercise programme