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Este relatório surge no âmbito do estágio para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Treino Desportivo, na Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior, realizado numa equipa de natação absoluta. A auto - análise do planeamento, realização do treino e controlo constituíram os grandes objetivos deste relatório de estágio desenvolvido na equipa absoluta da Entidade Acolhedora durante a época 2019-2020.Na primeira parte do relatório será descrito o planeamento, intervenção e controlo do processo de treino e competição durante a época desportiva, dividida em três macrociclos. A segunda parte apresenta o estudo caso do estágio que consiste na análise da prova dos 200 livres do atleta A no Meeting Arena Lisbon (2020), e da comparação com a média dos tempos da final da prova dos 200 livres nos Campeonatos Europeus de Juniores Kazan 2019, permitindo com a análise a obtenção de dados mais concisos para objetivar a progressão do atleta A.
A análise realizada neste relatório foi uma mais valia permitindo a auto reflexão do trabalho desenvolvido e possibilidades de alterações futuras.
This report comes as part of the internship to obtain a Master’s degree in Sports Training at the Superior School of Sport of Rio Maior, carried out in the Absolut Swimming Team. The self-analysis of planning, training and control were the main objectives of this internship report developed by the Absolut Team of Welcoming Entity during the 2019-2020 season. In the first part of the report, the plaining, intervention, training and competitions control, during the sports season, broken in three macrocycles, will be described. The second part presents the case study of the internship, which consisted of 200 free athlete A test analysis, in the event Meeting Arena Lisbon (2020), and the comparison with the average times of the final of the 200 free practice at the European Junior Championships Kazan 2019, allowing the analysis to obtain more concise data to objectify the athlete’s A progression. The analysis carried out in this report was an asset, allowing self-reflection of the work developed and possibilities for future changes.
This report comes as part of the internship to obtain a Master’s degree in Sports Training at the Superior School of Sport of Rio Maior, carried out in the Absolut Swimming Team. The self-analysis of planning, training and control were the main objectives of this internship report developed by the Absolut Team of Welcoming Entity during the 2019-2020 season. In the first part of the report, the plaining, intervention, training and competitions control, during the sports season, broken in three macrocycles, will be described. The second part presents the case study of the internship, which consisted of 200 free athlete A test analysis, in the event Meeting Arena Lisbon (2020), and the comparison with the average times of the final of the 200 free practice at the European Junior Championships Kazan 2019, allowing the analysis to obtain more concise data to objectify the athlete’s A progression. The analysis carried out in this report was an asset, allowing self-reflection of the work developed and possibilities for future changes.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de mestre em Desporto - Atividades desportivas para crianças
natação equipa planeamento controlo análise treino competição swimmming team plannig control analyses competition training competition