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Este relatório constitui o culminar do trabalho desenvolvido para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino do 1º e 2º ciclo do Ensino Básico, pela Escola Superior de Educação de Santarém, e nele se reflete, sumariamente, o percurso formativo seguido durante o curso, numa lógica de reflexão e autoavaliação.
O relatório divide-se em duas partes. Na primeira parte é apresentado o contexto do estágio seguido de uma análise reflexiva sobre a prática de ensino-aprendizagem vivenciada, na lecionação das disciplinas de Português, História e Geografia de Portugal, Matemática e Ciências da Natureza onde se pretende evidenciar a aplicação/contextualização das aprendizagens teórico/práticas efetuadas durante o percurso académico, sintetizando-as numa conjuntura de prática pedagógica. Dessa experiência ressalta, essencialmente, a importância da preparação científico pedagógica de um professor para fazer face à realidade profissional nas suas várias dimensões (social, pessoal, cultural, profissional…).
A segunda parte é reservada à prática investigativa onde foi tomada como opção aprofundar conhecimentos sobre o insucesso escolar. Consciente desta problemática e devido ao momento de reflexão e questionamento em relação à educação considera-se útil e pertinente estudar um problema que afeta, de forma muito significativa, primeiro o aluno e a sua família, e consequentemente toda a sociedade em geral. Na realidade a importância deste estudo advém do facto de se procurar analisar um fenómeno complexo e multiforme, já que envolve fatores relacionados com várias dimensões, nomeadamente curriculares, psicossociais e ambientais que explicam o crescente insucesso escolar. Por este facto sentiu-se necessidade de discutir este tema com o intuito de clarificar/identificar manifestações e causas do insucesso escolar, assim como analisar modalidades de apoio implementadas nas escolas e os seus efeitos na redução do insucesso escolar.
This report contains the final result of the work developed to get the Teaching Basic Education - 1st and 2nd Cycle - Master’s Degree, at Escola Superior de Educação de Santarém, and through it, it’s briefly reflected the formative path followed during the course, on a reflexive and a logical ways and self-evaluation. The report is divided into two different parts. In the first part, the content of the traineeship is introduced which is followed by a reflexive analysis about the experimented teaching-leaning practice, during the Portuguese, History, Geography, Maths and Sciences teaching, in order to prove the application/contextualization from the theory/practical learning occurred during the academicals path summarizing them as a situation as far as teaching practice is concerned. Through this experience it is highlighted and attached great importance to a scientific-pedagogical teacher’s preparation in order to face the professional reality on its several dimensions (social, personal, cultural, professional…). The second part is restricted to the investigative practice where it is taken as an option increasing knowledge about the Academic Failure. Being aware of this issue and due to moment of reflection and questioning about the education, it is considered helpful and appropriate studying a problem that affects, in a significant way, firstly the student and his/hers relatives, and consequently the whole society in general terms. In fact, the significance of this study has to do with trying to analyze a complex and a multiform phenomenon because it involves causes related to several dimensions, namely curricular, psychosocial and environmental which explain the increasing of the academic failure. This way, it was necessary to discuss this theme with a view to clarifying/identifying manifestations and causes associated to academic failure as well as analyzing support arrangements implemented at schools and their effects regarding academic failure reduction.
This report contains the final result of the work developed to get the Teaching Basic Education - 1st and 2nd Cycle - Master’s Degree, at Escola Superior de Educação de Santarém, and through it, it’s briefly reflected the formative path followed during the course, on a reflexive and a logical ways and self-evaluation. The report is divided into two different parts. In the first part, the content of the traineeship is introduced which is followed by a reflexive analysis about the experimented teaching-leaning practice, during the Portuguese, History, Geography, Maths and Sciences teaching, in order to prove the application/contextualization from the theory/practical learning occurred during the academicals path summarizing them as a situation as far as teaching practice is concerned. Through this experience it is highlighted and attached great importance to a scientific-pedagogical teacher’s preparation in order to face the professional reality on its several dimensions (social, personal, cultural, professional…). The second part is restricted to the investigative practice where it is taken as an option increasing knowledge about the Academic Failure. Being aware of this issue and due to moment of reflection and questioning about the education, it is considered helpful and appropriate studying a problem that affects, in a significant way, firstly the student and his/hers relatives, and consequently the whole society in general terms. In fact, the significance of this study has to do with trying to analyze a complex and a multiform phenomenon because it involves causes related to several dimensions, namely curricular, psychosocial and environmental which explain the increasing of the academic failure. This way, it was necessary to discuss this theme with a view to clarifying/identifying manifestations and causes associated to academic failure as well as analyzing support arrangements implemented at schools and their effects regarding academic failure reduction.
Relatório de Estágio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre na área de ensino do 1º e 2º ciclo do ensino básico
sucesso/insucesso escolar estágio pedagógico apoio educativo academic success/failure teaching practice educational support