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Para além do objetivo de realizar um estágio curricular em contexto de trabalho, este estudo tem ainda o objetivo de investigar longitudinalmente o impacto da pandemia Covid19 no trabalho dos contabilistas certificados de uma empresa portuguesa prestadora de serviços de contabilidade, explorando o papel de business partner dos contabilistas. Para além da observação participante que ocorreu ao longo do período de estágio, este estudo foi ainda suportado pela informação recolhida através de documentos e de entrevistas
Este estudo apresenta contribuições para a literatura em contabilidade. Contribui para a literatura relacionada com os papéis dos contabilistas ao explorar o papel de business partner dos contabilistas em organizações de micro e pequena dimensão. Contribui também para a literatura sobre o impacto da Covid-19 no trabalho dos contabilistas ao evidenciar longitudinalmente a capacidade de adaptação e resiliência dos contabilistas a contextos de elevada incerteza, assumindo-se como business partners.
In addition to the aim of conducting a curricular internship in a real-life context, this study also aims to investigate longitudinally the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the work of certified accountants in a Portuguese company providing accounting services, exploring the accountants' business partner role. In addition to the participant observation that took place throughout the internship period, this study was further supported by information collected through documents and semi-structured interviews. This study presents contributions to the literature in accounting. It contributes to the literature related to the roles of accountants by exploring the business partner role of accountants in micro and small organizations. It also contributes to the literature on the impact of Covid-19 on accountants' work by longitudinally highlighting accountants' adaptability and resilience to high uncertainty contexts by assuming themselves as business partners.
In addition to the aim of conducting a curricular internship in a real-life context, this study also aims to investigate longitudinally the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the work of certified accountants in a Portuguese company providing accounting services, exploring the accountants' business partner role. In addition to the participant observation that took place throughout the internship period, this study was further supported by information collected through documents and semi-structured interviews. This study presents contributions to the literature in accounting. It contributes to the literature related to the roles of accountants by exploring the business partner role of accountants in micro and small organizations. It also contributes to the literature on the impact of Covid-19 on accountants' work by longitudinally highlighting accountants' adaptability and resilience to high uncertainty contexts by assuming themselves as business partners.
Estágio, Mestrado, Contabilidade e Fiscalidade, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Escola Superior de Gestão e Tecnologia, 2023
Business Partner Contabilidade Contabilista Certificado Covid-19 Accounting Certified Accountant Portugal
Bernardino, M. (2023). Impacto da Covid-19 no trabalho dos contabilistas certificados portugueses : o caso de uma empresa de contabilidade (Mestrado). Escola Superior de Gestão e Tecnologia. Santarém. Disponível na WWW em:<>