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  • Online communication and assessment practices during the Covid Pandemic: a study of the portuguese higher education students’ perceptions
    Publication . Morgado, Lina; Paz, João; Pereira, Hugo; Loureiro, Ana; Messias, Inês; Cardoso, Paula; Paiva, Ana; Runa, Ana; Seco, C.; Mendes, Elisabete; Vieira, M. F.; Oliveira, Nuno Ricardo
    This proposal is part of an ongoing research and presents the results on the perceptions and pedagogical practices experienced by students from various higher education degrees in Portuguese higher education institutions, during the period of social confinement determined by the Portuguese Government, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The main objective of the general research was to understand how Higher Education faculty and students experienced the digital transition to emergency education and the pedagogical practices adopted during the period. The research was based on a mixed methods approach and, in order to address the research objectives and describe the pedagogical practices implemented, specific instruments were developed for data collection. A questionnaire was developed, aimed at students, and interviews aimed at both students and faculty, focusing on technological and pedagogical dimensions, as well as the assessment of the experience. Data collection was carried out after the first lockdown, at the end of the first semester of 2020, and took place in eight higher education institutions. In this paper we will present a preliminary analysis of Questionnaire results related to two dimensions: online communication and assessment.
  • Students' engagement in Distance Learning: creating a scenario with LMS and Social Network aggregation
    Publication . Messias, Inês; Morgado, Lina; Potes Barbas, Maria
    Already a part of our daily lives, Web 2.0 is becoming also a part of Education, as it evolves to accompany society, education is becoming more personal, and with a focus on knowledge, reflection, social connection and engagement, as to include both digital natives and immigrants [1]. According to Siemens [2] today’s learning depends on connectivity among individuals and it tends to dissolve frontiers between formal and informal learning. This paper presents a study1, that aims to comprehend how an informal platform (such as Facebook) while complement of a formal platform (such as Moodle) can contribute to a greater engagement by the Higher Education level students’, as well as to measure the impact these tools can have on the knowledge acquisition process. Embedded on the Higher Education context, the study is centred in the levels of the students’ engagement and on the frequency and quality of their contributions in Forums, being its participants, lecturers and students of this level of education. Since it is objective of the study to understand how interaction and collaboration contribute to students’ involvement in elearning hybrid contexts the adopted theoretical framework is the Activity Theory, and the methodological approach chosen is of a mixed nature, using Social Network Analysis tools (SNA).