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- Communicating with migrants: children's health literacy, digital technology, health promotion tools.Publication . Reis, Alcinda Maria Sarmento do Sacramento CostaBeing a migrant can enact road blocks in the process of integration, if language barriers persist in the communication between health professionals and migrants. Moreover, health literacy levels (HL) can differ, based on different cultural contexts or conceptions of health and illness. This research aims at exploring migrants (digital) HL and the mediating role of migrant’s children in primary health care setting. Health professionals' resort to migrants’ children as interpreters and mediators has been highlighted with the younger generations’ digital literacy, as critical tools to overcome such barriers. Assessing and promoting migrant’s HL is a public health mandate in the promotion of individual and family health to establish a common ground base for communication. Methods A qualitative and ethnographic study based on narratives, participant observation, focus group and ethno biographic interviews with nurses, migrants, medical doctors and intercultural mediators, involved 52 participants in a primary health care setting in Santarém district, Portugal. Partnership with the Observatory for Migration, the High Commission for Migration (ACM) and with migrant associations, enabled the completion by migrants of an online questionnaire focusing on digital HL. Results Migrants’ children were identified as facilitators in the clinical setting at three levels: the communication, HL promotion and adherence to continuity of care. Conclusions Improve migrant’s HL and health decisions is feasible when considering several strategies to overcome cultural barriers. Migrants’ children are potential mediators in the process of communication between health professionals and adults. Awareness of their potential allows adjustments in the primary health care sector. The need to further investigate migrants’ HL and digital HL (e.g. telephone translation services, Internet-based tools for scheduling health appointments) are some tasks that need further research.
- Health Literacy questionnaire development for 9 and 10 years old: a discussion of assessment tools!Publication . Reis, Alcinda Maria Sarmento do Sacramento Costa; Barroso, Isabel; Saboga-Nunes, Luís; Bittlingmayer, UweWith Health literacy (HL) investments - to promote health and self-care during people’s life cycles (childhood, especially) health professionals approach is multi-dimensional: within the family, school settings and community. The objective of this study is to explore the feasibility and usability of a questionnaire to characterize HL levels among 9 and 10 years old. It is expected that this will help health care personal to better focus health promotion initiatives in the school setting. Methods: The CrAdLiSa project in conjunction with the HLCA German Consortium, implemented a field test for the newly developed HL assessment tool for children in the Portuguese context. This is a deductive-inductive, exploratory-descriptive study including 16 children, with 9 and 10 years old, from 2 different elementary schools in Santare´m District (rural and urban areas). Semi-structured interviews aim at exploring the cognitive appraisal of concepts and indicators at the base of the questionnaire developed to assess HL levels. Data was subjected to content analysis, with a priori and a posteriori categorization. Results: Preliminary results point to the cognitive comprehension by children of the feasibility of an instrument to assess their HL levels. It depicts discriminatory capabilities (to allow characterization of low, medium or high levels of HL). Children living in urban areas, having better financial resources are less likely to develop obesity, or low weight. Better self-perception of school performance, good relationship with family members, parents with higher education or higher levels of HL appear to have better quality of life. Conclusions: Results suggest the need to invest in children’s and families’ HL, while taking into consideration personal, environmental and socioeconomic determinants. School settings should be considered as a natural arena to improve children’s (and, as a result, families’ and communities’) HL levels.
- Migration and integration: the case of health literacy (HLS-EU-PT) as a foundation to promote cultural sensitivenessPublication . Saboga-Nunes, Luís; Silva, A.; Mendes, S.; Almeida, B.; André, M.R.; Reis, Alcinda Maria Sarmento do Sacramento CostaPortugal has experienced trough-out his recent history successive migration patterns. Lately, with instability in Syria and the Mediterranean routes of migration between Africa and Europe, new challenges have emerged. One of them is related to migrants’ health and their navigation of health care system. In order to better understand cultural patterns of migrants, this research aims to explore their health literacy (HL) in the context of the European Health Literacy Survey framework (HLS-EU). Methods: A total of 748 participants from the different offices of a company in the financial sector (Portugal, main land and autonomous territories) participated in a cross sectional survey (CAWI). Age ranged from 25 to 65 years and HL was measured using the HLSEU instrument validated to Portuguese (HLS-EU-PT). Each participant was allocated to one of the groups, either of satisfactory HL (when scores 30) or insufficient HL (when scores <30). In order to access the migrant condition, a proxy variable considered the participant’s parents origin: at least one of the parents was born in a foreign country. Results: Out of the 748 participants, 4.1% (n = 31) were considered migrants. Of the migrant participants, 6.9% have inadequate, 51.7% problematic, 24.1% sufficient and 17.2% excellent HL (HLS-EU-PT). Migrants have lower levels of HL when compared with nationals in this sample (respectively 58.6% and 45.8% for insufficient HL) but this difference is not statistically significant. Conclusions: Although results didn’t show an association between being migrant and lower levels of HL (when compared with nationals), it is nevertheless relevant to consider that more than 1 in every two migrants (58.6%) have insufficient HL levels. Special consideration should be given to this group to promote HL levels and further research is needed to better understand how HL and cultural sensitiveness may work for a better integration of migrants.