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Introdução: A obesidade tem sido um tema que é cada vez mais estudado e discutido nos
últimos tempos, apesar disso as estatísticas mostram que pouco tem mudado tanto em
Portugal como no resto do mundo. A obesidade é um problema importante, sendo
influenciado por diversos fatores, principalmente a Alimentação, o Estrato Socioeconómico, o
Perfil genético, o Padrão de Atividade Física e o Ambiente. Como é referido a AF é um ponto
importante no aparecimento e no combate á obesidade, atualmente a obesidade tem sido
cada vez mais combatida nas populações mais novas, pois a obesidade de longa duração é a
mais difícil de combater e a que traz mais consequências para a vida da criança (DGS,2007).
Portugal apresenta níveis de obesidade superiores a 30%, e com uma tendência de subida
alarmante, principalmente nos estratos socioeconómicos mais baixos (Martins et al, 2011).
Objetivos: Os objetivos deste estudo foram no sentido de procurar definir qual o Padrão de
Atividade Física das crianças, bem como ver a relação da mesma como a educação dos pais e
ver diferenças entre as escolas públicas e privadas. Por fim criar uma proposta de âmbito geral
para desenvolvimento de um projeto de combate ao sedentarismo e à obesidade.
Amostra: Participaram duzentas e quarenta crianças pertencentes a três Agrupamentos de
escola pública do concelho, e mais duas escolas privadas. Destas cento e dezanove são rapazes
(média de idades de 9.54) e cento e nove são raparigas (média de idades de 9.52), de referir
ainda que doze crianças não identificaram o género.
Métodos: Apresentação do Projeto às escolas, entrega do consentimento informado aos pais
das crianças juntamente com o Questionário QAPACE, posteriormente recolheu-se os mesmos
e procedeu-se ao tratamento estatístico recorrendo ao SPSS 21.
Resultados: As crianças apresentam um PAF de 233 minutos por semana aproximadamente
tanto em tempo de aulas como em tempo de férias. Este valor encontra-se bastante abaixo do
valor de 300 minutos por semana (ACSM, 2013). Outros resultados a destacar é que cerca de
63% das crianças não pratica qualquer tipo de desporto de competição, contudo 47 % das
crianças passa mais de 6 horas em frente ao computador ou videojogos.
Conclusão: Nenhuma hipótese levantada foi comprovada pelo estudo, bem como os
resultados apresentados ficam abaixo da média de AF recomendada para crianças.
Abstract Introduction: Lately, obesity has been an increasingly studied and discussed topic; however, statistics show that not much has changed in Portugal and worldwide. Obesity is an important issue and it is influenced by several aspects especially Feeding, Socio-economic Strata, Genetic Profile, Environment and Physical Activity Patterns. As referred, PA is an important point in the emergence and combat of obesity and obesity has currently been fought in younger populations because long term obesity is more difficult to fight and it brings consequences for child's life (DGS, 2007). Portugal shows obesity levels which exceed 30% and with an alarming rising tendency, especially in lower socio-economic strata (Martins et al, 2011). Aims: The aims of this study were trying to define the Pattern of Physical Activity of children and see the relationship between it and parents’ education and see differences between public and private schools. Finally, to create a proposal for a general framework to develop a project to combat sedentary lifestyle and obesity. Sample: 240 children from three Groups of public school in the municipality and two private schools participated in this study. Nineteen are boys (average age 9.54) and one hundred and nine are girls (average age 9.52). Twelve children didn’t identify their gender. Method: Presentation of the Project to schools, delivery to parents of a permission document and a Quiz QAPACE, later collected to statistical analysis using the SPSS 21. Results: Children show a PA of 233 minutes per week both during classes and holidays. This number is rather below 300 minutes per week (ACSM, 2013). Other results we shall emphasize is that about 63% of children do not practice any kind of competition sport and 47% spend more than 6 hours in front of a computer or a video game. Conclusion: None of the presented possibilities was confirmed by the study and the results presented are below the PA average recommended for children.
Abstract Introduction: Lately, obesity has been an increasingly studied and discussed topic; however, statistics show that not much has changed in Portugal and worldwide. Obesity is an important issue and it is influenced by several aspects especially Feeding, Socio-economic Strata, Genetic Profile, Environment and Physical Activity Patterns. As referred, PA is an important point in the emergence and combat of obesity and obesity has currently been fought in younger populations because long term obesity is more difficult to fight and it brings consequences for child's life (DGS, 2007). Portugal shows obesity levels which exceed 30% and with an alarming rising tendency, especially in lower socio-economic strata (Martins et al, 2011). Aims: The aims of this study were trying to define the Pattern of Physical Activity of children and see the relationship between it and parents’ education and see differences between public and private schools. Finally, to create a proposal for a general framework to develop a project to combat sedentary lifestyle and obesity. Sample: 240 children from three Groups of public school in the municipality and two private schools participated in this study. Nineteen are boys (average age 9.54) and one hundred and nine are girls (average age 9.52). Twelve children didn’t identify their gender. Method: Presentation of the Project to schools, delivery to parents of a permission document and a Quiz QAPACE, later collected to statistical analysis using the SPSS 21. Results: Children show a PA of 233 minutes per week both during classes and holidays. This number is rather below 300 minutes per week (ACSM, 2013). Other results we shall emphasize is that about 63% of children do not practice any kind of competition sport and 47% spend more than 6 hours in front of a computer or a video game. Conclusion: None of the presented possibilities was confirmed by the study and the results presented are below the PA average recommended for children.
Orientadora: Professora Doutora Rita Santos Rocha
Atividade Física Obesidade Crianças 1º Ciclo Saúde Portugal Physical Activity Obesity Children Primary School Health