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- Volto Já - Programa de Intercâmbio Sénior:Projeto na Área do Turismo Social SéniorPublication . Bernardes De Oliveira, Sandra Margarida; Leal, Susana; Vivas, C.; Nascimento, João António Marujo do; Barradas, Luís Cláudio; São João, Ricardo; Passarinho, Aldo; Santos, Cristina; Amaral, Marta; Rodrigues, Ana; Ferreira, Maria ReginaO Volto Já pretende operacionalizar um programa de cooperação entre organizações de Economia Social que promova o intercâmbio de seniores institucionalizados, proporcionando lhes experiências culturais, turísticas e artísticas. Os seus principais objetivos são: (i) fomentar o envelhecimento ativo e melhorar a qualidade de vida (bem estar, satisfação com a vida, felicidade, etc.) dos seniores institucionalizados; (ii) desenvolver um modelo de negócio de turismo social dirigido aos seniores institucionalizados em lares ou centros de dia, na região do Alentejo; (iii) desenvolver uma plataforma informática que permita às instituições de Economia Social aderir ao programa de intercâmbio sénior, divulgar as experiências socioculturais oferecidas e estabelecer parcerias que efetivem o intercâmbio. A participação no Volto Já permite aos seniores: (a) terem acesso a experiências turísticas e culturais de elevada qualidade, demasiado dispendiosas se adquiridas individualmente; (b) expandirem o seu círculo social; (c) combaterem o isolamento social; (d) contactarem com a cultura e as tradições de outras regiões do país; (e) promoverem a estimulação cognitiva; (f) melhorarem a sua qualidade de vida; (g) contribuírem para práticas de consumo sustentáveis. Para as instituições de Economia Social, participar no projeto permite-lhes: (a) acederem a uma oferta de serviços diferenciada a baixo custo; (b) expandirem a sua rede de parceiros; (c) melhorarem o reconhecimento social; (d) fortalecerem a ligação à academia; (e) inovarem socialmente; (f) aumentarem o seu capital reputacional. O projeto é suportado por uma equipa multidisciplinar do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém e do Instituto Politécnico de Beja, com a colaboração da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Santarém. Os outputs previstos são: (a) diversas parcerias entre a academia e as instituições de Economia Social; (b) um modelo de negócio de turismo social sénior; (c) realizar uma prova de conceito/teste piloto; (d) uma plataforma informática para dinamização do modelo de negócio; (e) uma conferência internacional.
- Documento de análise da plataforma de suporte ao modelo de negócio do Volto JáPublication . Nascimento, João António Marujo do; Barradas, Luís Cláudio; Martins, Luís; Leal, Susana; Vivas, C.; São João, Ricardo; Bernardes De Oliveira, Sandra Margarida
- Volto Já – Senior Exchange Program: From Idea to ImplementationPublication . Bernardes De Oliveira, Sandra Margarida; Leal, Susana; Vivas, C.; Nascimento, João António Marujo do; Barradas, Luís Cláudio; São João, Ricardo; Ferreira, Maria Regina; Passarinho, Aldo; Rodrigues, Ana Isabel; Amaral, Marta Isabel Casteleiro; Santos, CristinaPurpose: The general aim of Volto Já was the operationalisation of a Social Senior Exchange Programme between Social Economy Organisations that promotes cultural, touristic, and artistic experiences. Volto Já developed a set of actions with a direct impact on seniors’ active ageing and social inclusion. The programme was developed between August 24, 2018 and February 23, 2021. This paper aims to present the main outputs of the programme. Method: The Volto Já is an applied project. To test it, a proof of concept was developed with the participation of six Social Economy Organisations and 24 elderly people. Findings: The main outputs of Volto Já were: (a) a social tourism business model in the Social Economy sector, for elderly people, notably those institutionalised in senior citizens’ homes or nursing homes; (b) the implementation of a business model through a network of Social Economy Organisations that guarantees the exchange of services in the Alentejo region; (c) the stimulation of active ageing and preventing social exclusion, and endorsing the social inclusion of the elderly in the Alentejo region; (d) the implementation of an ICT platform and a mobile application to manage the registration of Social Economy Organisations, which presents the offers of available exchange services, provides access to organisations and experiences in the senior social tourism area, specifically designed for Social Economy Organisations and their users; (e) the improvement of the quality of life of elderly people (e.g., well-being, life satisfaction, happiness, etc.). Originality/value: A community network was created to effectively address and prevent social exclusion and promote senior mobility, using social tourism and recreational activities as a facilitator. The proof of concept enabled the testing of the social business model and the acquisition of new insights into the process associated with senior exchanges.
- Time to act through sustainable experiences for higher education students:a project to promote sustainabilityPublication . Leal, Susana; Bernardes De Oliveira, Sandra Margarida; Vivas, C.; Nascimento, João António Marujo do; Barradas, Luís C.S.; Loureiro, AnaIn this work, we propose to present the project "Time to Act through Sustain-able Experiences for Higher Education Students", also known as TIME2ACT@SD. TIME2ACT@SD aims to contribute to the development of knowledge, skills, and attitudes, as well as changing behaviours among European HE (Higher Education) students in the field of sustainable development (SD) and SD Goals (SDG), through the development of interactive content, digital tools, and innovative teaching methodologies, based on the use of the gamification, for HE teachers' use in formal and non-formal education. TIME2ACT@SD seeks to produce a set of open educational resources that can be used by higher education teachers in the teaching and learning processes. Through innovative practices of training (e.g., MOOC and gamification strategies) and through active methodologies (workshops and bootcamps, as activities of experimental nature), the project aims to promote literacy in the target group in the field of SD/SDG, as well as behavioural changes regarding individual preferences, awareness of SD, consumption habits and lifestyles. In this article, it is presented the methodology for the development of the project, which comprises four phases. The 1st one is the needs analysis - the needs that we want to address is the lack of knowledge, skills, and actions towards SD among young people attending HE, as well as innovative educational tools to bridge this gap in students' education. The 2nd one is the partnership arrangements - the project involves a total of seven partners from six countries (Politécnico de Santarém; UCLan Cyprus; Thomas More Mechelen -Antwerpen; Learnmera Oy; Galileo IT; Rosto Solidário; Gazi University). The 3rd one is the project design and implementation - the project comprises five work packages (WP): WP 1 Project Management, WP2 Transnational studies with HE students and teachers, WP3 Development of interactive con-tent and digital/innovative tools, WP4 SD/SDG training Workshops and Bootcamps, and WP5 Strengthening the cooperation one is about the project impact - to assess if the project goals have been achieved, different monitoring levels must be considered, either in the short or long term, and in every stage of the project. TIME2ACT@SD will be developed through (a) Transnational studies with HE students and teachers to identify skills gaps on the SD/SDG topic; (b) Development of interactive content and digital/innovative tools, namely using immersive and gamification approaches; (c) SD/SDG training workshop and bootcamps to promote HE students´ attitudes and behaviours changing through learning by doing; (d) Strengthening the cooperation partnership and exploitation of the project's results to other HEI stakeholders. The TIME2ACT@SD results will be transnational studies with HE students and teachers about SD topics (scientific papers), MOOC and webinars aiming to promote the HE students' literacy on environmental, social and economic sustainability, web/mobile-based and immersive games on SD, a virtual workshop on educational games, sustainability bootcamps, an online platform, focus groups with HEI stakeholders, an international conference. The work presented is a project proposal, financing is expected to be in place by the end of 2022, then the main limitation is that it has not yet been implemented. This project will contribute to education for sustainable development with innovative tools (e.g., using gamification and virtual/augmented reality) and educational technology that will be made available to higher education teachers for greater effectiveness in the educational process.