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  • A avaliação do hábito em praticantes de exercício físico: testando a validade do self-report behavioral automaticity index
    Publication . Rodrigues, Filipe; Cid, Luis; Forte, Pedro; Teixeira, Diogo; Travassos, Bruno; Monteiro, Diogo
    Os comportamentos habituais são repetidos inconscientemente, sem intenção. A medição precisa do hábito é crucial para ajudar os investigadores a desenvolver e aplicar um modelo teórico sobre o hábito, com uma medida empiricamente válida. Desta forma, o objetivo do presente estudo foi testar a validade e a fiabilidade do Self-Report Behavior Automaticity Index numa amostra Portuguesa praticante de exercício físico. Foram recolhidos dados de duas amostras independentes, com um total de 590 adultos (mulheres= 311; homens= 279). Realizou-se uma análise fatorial confirmatória do modelo de medida de quatro itens do Self-Report Behavior Automaticity Index e uma análise de invariância entre duas amostras independentes. Adicionalmente, foi testado um modelo de mediação de forma a analisar o papel mediador da frequência semanal de exercício físico entre a experiência passada e o hábito. O modelo de medida do Self-Report Behavior Automaticity Index demonstrou um ajustamento aceitável em cada uma das amostras e os coeficientes de fiabilidade compósita foram adequados. O modelo de medida revelou ser invariante entre amostras, acrescentando, por isso um maior suporte à sua validade para avaliar o comportamento habitual. A frequência do exercício medeia a relação entre a experiência e o desenvolvimento do hábito, acrescentando evidências à teoria do hábito
  • The Co-Occurrence of Satisfaction and Frustration of Basic Psychological Needs and Its Relationship with Exercisers’ Motivation
    Publication . Rodrigues, Filipe; Macedo, Rita; Teixeira, Diogo; Cid, Luis; Travassos, Bruno; Neiva, Henrique; Monteiro, Diogo
    Although the relationship between both need frustration and, particularly, need satisfaction and different motivational regulations for exercise has been widely examined in the literature, little is known about the co-occurrence of both need satisfaction and need frustration in the exercise context. Grounded in self determination theory, the present study aimed to examine the effects of both need satisfaction and frustration on motivational regulations for exercise, by applying a response surface analysis approach. In total, 477 regular exercisers aged 18–54 years participated in this study. The interaction between needs (high on both need satisfaction and frustration) displayed a positive and significant association with amotivation, integrated regulation, and intrinsic motivation. Considering the direction of the discrepancy (high vs. low levels of need satisfaction and frustration) related to the behavioral regulations, results showed that higher need satisfaction relative to need frustration was associated with more self-determined regulations of motivation. Contrarily, higher need satisfaction relative to need frustration was associated with lower scores on amotivation, external, introjected, and identified regulation. Overall, these findings extend previous literature, suggesting that need satisfaction and frustration are distinct factors that can be experienced simultaneously in individuals during exercise and that different degrees of both needs have different associations with behavioral regulations.
  • Could tDCS Be a Potential Performance-Enhancing Tool for Acute Neurocognitive Modulation in eSports? A Perspective Review
    Publication . Machado, Sergio; Travassos, Bruno; Teixeira, Diogo; Rodrigues, Filipe; Filipe Cid Serra, Luis; Monteiro, Diogo
    Competitive sports involve physical and cognitive skills. In traditional sports, there is a greater dependence on the development and performance of both motor and cognitive skills, unlike electronic sports (eSports), which depend much more on neurocognitive skills for success. However, little is known about neurocognitive functions and effective strategies designed to develop and optimize neurocognitive performance in eSports athletes. One such strategy is transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), characterized as a weak electric current applied on the scalp to induce prolonged changes in cortical excitability. Therefore, our objective is to propose anodal (a)-tDCS as a performance-enhancing tool for neurocognitive functions in eSports. In this manuscript, we discussed the neurocognitive processes that underlie exceptionally skilled performances in eSports and how tDCS could be used for acute modulation of these processes in eSports. Based on the results from tDCS studies in healthy people, professional athletes, and video game players, it seems that tDCS is applied over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) as a potential performance-enhancing tool for neurocognition in eSports.
  • E-Sports: a legitimate sport?
    Publication . Cerqueira, Matheus; Monteiro, Diogo; Travassos, Bruno; Machado, Sergio
    Currently, our society is facing an increase in the levels of physical inactivity in the world population especially an increase in screen time, causing potential adverse effects in the short and long term to health (Stiglic & Viner, 2019; Domingues‐Montanari, 2017). Several institutions, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), and National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), recognize the importance of physical exercise as a potential tool against the risks associated with sedentary behavior (Piercy et al., 2018). And within that context, a question must be asked; can screen time be considered time spent on sports?