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  • O comportamento e as decisões pré- e pós-interativas do treinador de andebol de topo durante a competição
    Publication . Sequeira, Pedro; Hanke, Udo; Rodrigues, José
    Este estudo tem como objetivo caraterizar as decisões pré- e pós-interativas e o comportamento do treinador de andebol de topo em competição e sua consequente relação. Observámos 6 treinadores de equipas Seniores Masculinas da Divisão Principal de Andebol em Portugal. Filmámos por treinador e durante três semanas, três jogos. Antes e após cada jogo foi efetuada uma entrevista. A amostra ficou reduzida a 18 jogos e 36 entrevistas. Neste estudo utilizámos o Sistema de Observação do Comportamento do Treinador (S.O.T.A.), desenvolvido por Rodrigues, Rosado, Sarmento, Ferreira & Leça-Veiga, (1993), como forma de avaliar as variáveis comportamentais, e entrevistas, para analisar as decisões pré- e pós-interativas, avaliando assim as variáveis cognitivas. Podemos concluir que o comportamento do treinador na competição é planificado e objecto de reflexão, mas que apresenta algumas incoerências na relação entre decisões pré-interativas, comportamento e decisões pós-interativas.- The aim of this study is to characterize the behavior and the pre- and post-interactive decisions of top handball coach's during handball competitions and its consequent relationship. We observed six top handball coaches of the Portuguese Senior Men's Main Division Main. We filmed every coach during three weeks a total of three games. Before and after each game was preceded by an interview. The sample was reduced to 18 games and 36 interviews. This study used the Behavioral Observation System of Coach (SOTA), developed by Rodrigues, Rosado, Sarmento, Leça-Ferreira & Veiga (1993), in order to assess the behavioral variables, and interviews to analyze the pre- and post-interactive decisions, thus assessing the cognitive variables. We can conclude that the behavior of the coach in the competition is planned and subject of reflection, but presents some inconsistencies in the relationship between pre-interactive decisions, behavior and post-interactive decisions.
  • Behavioral analysis of premier league top coaches in concern with their pre and post game decisions
    Publication . Sequeira, Pedro; Dimkova, Rositsa; Hanke, Udo; Rodrigues, José
    Submitted article is thorough study of top coaches behavioral responses during the competition. A detailed analysis of the literature /from the last 15 years / is made, focusing on various determinants of sporting success which determine the role of the coach to shine and not be underestimated. It stressed the need to examine current trends, that elucidate the process complexity / behavioral and cognitive / in coaching job.