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- Conjunto de materiais: educação Inclusiva - Módulo 2: diversidade, equidade e InclusãoPublication . Pappámikail, Lia; Paz-Beirante, David; Cardoso, InêsO Projeto Educação Inclusiva1 , coordenado pelo Ministério de Educação (ME), através da Direção-Ge ral da Educação (DGE), da Direção-Geral dos Estabelecimentos Escolares (DGEstE), da Inspeção-Geral da Educação e Ciência (IGEC) e da Agência Nacional para a Qualificação e o Ensino Profissional I.P. (ANQEP, I.P.), alicerça-se na qualidade e eficiência do sistema de educação e formação para a promoção do sucesso escolar, designadamente no que concerne aos instrumentos para a concretização de uma escola plenamente organizada, em todas as suas dimensões, numa perspetiva inclusiva, e desenvolve- -se em três eixos fundamentais: i. Produção de recursos de apoio à educação inclusiva – concebidos na ótica da capacitação de docentes, numa perspetiva não prescritiva, no sentido da reflexão, da tomada de decisão e da adoção d e práticas educativas com suporte efetivo no conhecimento disponível; ii. Reforço do investimento na capacitação de docentes, incluindo, naturalmente, os que pre sentemente desempenham funções de administração e coordenação, e outros agentes edu cativos e sociais, em matéria de equidade, segundo critérios de inclusão e justiça escolar, por forma a contribuir para o reconhecimento das dimensões política, ética e deontológica do exercício profissional de funções públicas, para o apoio à ação das escolas, nomeadamente, para a promoção de ambientes educativos e de práticas mais inclusivas; iii. Acompanhamento e apoio de e à proximidade entre escolas e comunidades através de pro jetos de investigação-ação a desenvolver nas escolas, sendo, numa primeira fase, dedicados à elaboração e aplicação de guias de reflexão sobre educação inclusiva e, numa segunda fase, dedicados ao planeamento, intervenção e monitorização em áreas identificadas pelas comu nidades educativas e locais como deficitárias no âmbito da equidade e inclusão em educação
- Conjunto de materiais: educação inclusiva. Módulo 1: gestão da educação inclusivaPublication . Pappámikail, Lia; Paz-Beirante, DavidO Conjunto de Materiais apresentados neste primeiro e-book, enquadra-se, pois, no ponto i. Produção de recursos de apoio à Educação Inclusiva e procura gerar reflexão e iniciativas concretas de ação e envolvimento de diferentes interlocutores das comunidades educativas, através de lentes multidimen sionais correspondentes aos pontos de vista e experiências de que são portadores (Brussino, 2021; Cerna et al., 2021).
- Outdoor STEAM Education: opportunities and challengesPublication . Correia, Marisa; Ribeirinha, Teresa; Paz-Beirante, David; Santos, Raquel; Simões Dias, Isabel; Luís, Helena; Catela, David; Galinha, Sónia Maria Gomes Alexandre; Serrão-Arrais, Ana; Portelada, António; Pinto, Paula; Simões, Vera; Ferreira, Maria Regina; Franco, Susana; Clara Martins, MariaThere is a consensus that students should be involved in interdisciplinary activities that promote a solid education in STEAM subjects from an early age. The outdoor settings of schools present an advantageous context for STEAM education, allowing for a myriad of learning experiences. To understand how teachers perceive the pedagogical use of the school’s outdoor space, a study was carried out in a cluster of schools in a Portuguese city, including one middle school and 10 kindergarten and elementary schools. A mixed methods approach was used, combining a questionnaire for teachers (N = 49) with interviews (N = 8). The results indicate that teachers’ perceptions of the characteristics of their school’s outdoor spaces either facilitate or hinder the implementation of outdoor pedagogical activities. Most teachers concur that the outdoors provides contact with nature and encourages interdisciplinary and collaborative activities. However, the teachers surveyed admit to using the school’s outdoor spaces only occasionally, and this use decreases as the educational level at which they teach increases. The most common use of outdoor spaces is for physical and motor activities, promoting the well-being of children and youth. Although interdisciplinary activities in outdoor spaces are recognised, their implementation is limited and hampered by factors such as the length of curricula and the lack of training for teachers in these approaches. In this sense, there is an urgent need to train teachers in the interdisciplinary use of outdoor spaces to promote a solid education in STEAM subjects.
- Teachers’ perspectives regarding outdoor STEAM educationPublication . Correia, Marisa; Ribeirinha, Teresa; Paz-Beirante, David; Portelada, António; Clara Martins, Maria; Galinha, SóniaIn recent years, there has been a burgeoning interest in the interdisciplinary educational approach known as Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts/Humanities, and Mathematics (STEAM). This trend is grounded in the demonstrably positive impact this approach has on children and young people's attitudes and learning outcomes, as well as the imperative to foster their curiosity and engagement with the content encompassed by these academic domains. Recognizing this imperative, scholarly literature emphasizes the development of interdisciplinary pedagogical strategies, beginning from the earliest stages of education, anchored in pertinent social and cultural contexts. Outdoor environments and natural settings assume particular significance in this educational paradigm, providing a rich backdrop for outdoor learning experiences. These settings facilitate exploration, inquiry, observation, debate, manipulation, and a reconnection with the natural world through sensory engagement. There is a vast body of evidence that shows the beneficial effects of outdoor education on students' academic achievement in science, critical thinking skills, enthusiasm for learning, and intrinsic motivation. Furthermore, exposure to nature confers physical and psychological well-being benefits. Consequently, the immersive and experiential nature of outdoor education is anticipated to foster students' holistic development and welfare while fostering a meaningful connection to STEAM subjects. By enhancing students' interest and involvement in these activities, outdoor education holds promise for cultivating a deeper appreciation and engagement with STEAM learning. To achieve this goal, a questionnaire was distributed among a selection of schools in a Portuguese city, aiming to elucidate how educators utilize outdoor spaces within their school premises. Regarding the educational opportunities afforded by these outdoor environments, a majority of teachers express agreement that conducting activities in such spaces promotes the development of diverse skills, facilitates interdisciplinary and collaborative endeavours, nurtures inclusive learning environments, encourages interaction with nature, and engages students sensorially, thereby fostering their holistic development. While acknowledging the benefits of interdisciplinary activities, most respondents highlight constraints in their implementation, citing the rigidity and length of the curriculum framework, the imperative for teacher training, the lack of time for collaborative planning, and the inadequacy of available materials and resources. Concerning STEAM activities in outdoor settings, the majority of respondents recognize the value of such initiatives and express readiness to participate in associated training programs.