Barbas, Maria PotesMatos, Pedro2022-01-092022-01-092021-03M. Potes Barbas, & Matos, P. (2021). DID.VALUE: A PROJECT FOCUSED ON DEVELOPING A HOLISTIC MODEL FOR INCLUSION OF DISADVANTAGED COMMUNITIES IN INTERNSHIPS AND JOBS. INTED2021 Proceedings, 4742–4747978-84-09-27666-0 society keeps expanding and growing as a whole, tackling new challenges and disrupt alternatives in order to generate new jobs, educational offers, technological services, health and lifestyle opportunities and other aspects that constitute this large community, it is important to guarantee proper solutions and answers to the needs of those who are at a more disadvantaged background. In this case, we talk about people with disabilities or other communities who suffer from exclusion or face low opportunities scenarios. It is important to ensure that these groups can be included in society and be part of its several systems (employment, education, social affairs, equity, access to technologies, among other aspects). Therefore, The DID. VALUE project is a European action, combining the strengths and experience of three main partner countries (Portugal, Croatia, Cyprus) and other associated partners, that seeks to define and implement a holistic model that facilitates, through disruptive methodologies, innovative integration methods and learning mechanisms adapted to the needs of young people with disabilities and other disadvantaged communities, the social and professional inclusion of these target groups towards internships and jobs. In this sense, this work will describe the processes and strategies that led this comprehensive and integrated model to a deeper understanding of how these target groups can be included in society and on its several layers of composition. This way, generating new knowledge and good practices on which methods and resources can be used as key guidelines to solve these problems in a systemic way.engpeople with disadvantaged backgroundscommunitiessocial inclusioninnovative methodologiesholistic modelsDid.Value: a Project Focused on Developing A Holistic Model For Inclusion of Disadvantaged Communities internships and Jobsconference object10.21125/inted.2021.0961