Barbas, Maria PotesMatos, PedroNovo, CristinaMaurício Dias, José2019-03-122019-03-122018-10-13 present study focuses on the analysis of a series of resources and innovative models created within an European project called "#TV T21 Community# e-Skills, social inclusion and employability” with the objective of understanding their use in learning contexts for young people with disabilities. An analytic description of the different elements developed such as: guides, games, mobile applications, practical models and even workshops will be given. In addition to the research that has been carried out, and its theoretical basis, questionnaires, group dynamics and observation were also implemented. At the end of the research, we can conclude that the present project, known as a strategic partnership for youth, meets the fundamental requirements to apply a set of innovative and necessary resources to meet the criteria of inclusion, equality and digital employability. These aspects are outlined as priorities by the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 and the World Report on Disability.engDigital inclusionDigital skillsEuropean projectInnovative resourcesAdapted modelsInnovative resources and models for learning e-skills for young people with disabilitiesworking paper