Galinha, Sónia Maria Gomes AlexandreSão João, RicardoVaz, P.Jardim, J.2020-12-042020-12-042020-05-07Galinha, S. A.; São-João, R., Vaz. P. & Jardim, J. (2020, maio 07-08). Avaliação global da cooperação na formação de educadores e professores 1.º CEB. In R.P. Lopes; C. Mesquita; E. M. da Silva; & M.V. Pires (Eds.). Book of INCTE2020 V International Conference on Teaching Education – Crossroads on Educational Research (pp. 837-847) . ISBN 978-972-745-276-7978-972-745-276-7 como objetivo central apresentar os resultados da aplicação da Escala de Avaliação Global da Cooperação (EAGC) com recurso a uma amostra não-probabilística, por conveniência, de cento e um estudantes do ensino superior português priorizando licenciaturas em Educação Básica e Mestrados que habilitam para a docência. A EAGC é uma escala de autorregisto, de resposta fechada, tipo Likert de cinco pontos composta por nove itens. A EAGC foi administrada online no segundo semestre do ano letivo 2019/2020, sendo disponibilizado o link do questionário aos alunos dos referidos ciclos, assegurando a plataforma informática a resposta de um único inquérito por respondente cuja adesão e participação ao estudo foi de forma voluntáriaIn the context of Education, cooperation consists of the ability to jointly operationalize knowledge, attitudes and skills with a view to achieving a common purpose, maximizing the potential of each individual in a lasting and balanced way. The advantages of cooperative work are manifold. In this line, the main objective of this communication is to present the results of the application of the Global Cooperation Assessment Scale (EAGC) using a non-probabilistic sample, for convenience, of one hundred and one students of Portuguese higher education prioritizing degrees in Basic Education and Master's degrees that qualify for teaching. The EAGC is a five-point Likert type selfrecorded, closed-response scale composed of nine items. The EAGC was administered online in the second semester of the 2019/2020 academic year, with the questionnaire link being made available to students in the aforementioned cycles, ensuring the computer platform answered a single survey by a respondent whose participation and participation in the study was voluntary. The data obtained are centered on the values of: Teamwork and collaboration with colleagues; Perspective on the contribution of cooperation regarding the development of new ideas; Feeling about the importance of group work for each one; Comparison between taste of group versus individual work; Appreciation of teamwork, especially for the moments it provides; Group work and strengthening relationships between colleagues; Contribution of group work to the frequency of academic life; Group assessment versus individual assessment; and Relationship between group work and income. The treatment of information, as well as its statistical analysis, was supported by the R software, with the confidentiality and anonymity of the respondents ensured. Sociodemographic variables were also used, which appeared promising in the contextualization, interpretation and discussion of the results. In the present study, the value of the sample mean obtained in the EAGC was 35 (± 6.5) thus revealing a high capacity for cooperation in these students.porcooperaçãoformação docenteeducaçãoavaliaçãocooperationteacher trainingeducationassessmentAvaliação global da cooperação na formação de educadores e professores 1.º CEBconference object