Figueiredo, Maria do CarmoSpínola, AnaGodinho, CelesteFerreira, SaleteFrazão, InêsPascoal, DinaGalante, Rosário2020-07-012020-07-012019-05-16Figueiredo, M. C., Spínola A. C., Godinho, C., Ferreira S., Frazão I., Pascoal D., Galante, R. (2019). Health literacy in Diabetes of family caregivers: A scoping review. Santarém. Escola Superior de Saúde The prevalence of diabetes in Portugal is the highest in Europe (OECD, 2017). This disease may result in complications that increase dependency, requiring a family member to act as an informal caregiver for the patient with diabetes. This requires an adequate level of health literacy for decision-making related to the care to be provided. Objective To identify the level of health literacy in diabetes of the family caregivers. Methods This scoping review addresses the question: What is the level of health literacy in diabetes of informal caregivers? Participants: family caregivers; Concepts: health literacy, caregivers and diabetes; Context: domicile. The research was developed with MeSH descriptors interconnected by the...pordiabetes mellitus, type 2, health literacy, family caregiversHEALTH LITERACY IN DIABETES OF FAMILY CAREGIVERS: A scoping reviewconference object