Torres, Ana Luísa Mateus Oliveira ChançaDA SILVA, AnaMaurício Dias, JoséLazarova, ElenaTsvetanska, SilviyaTimologou, Anastasia2023-12-042023-12-042022Torres, A., Silva, A., Dias,J.,Lazarova, E., Tsvetanska, S. & Timologou,A. (2022). Teacher's Manual in Civic Education - Secondary School. Sofia: Prosveta-Sofia Foundation.978-954-01-4243-2 Teachers’ Manual in Civic Education is a guide for teachers that includes 48 training sessions on Human Rights, Diversity, Identity and Active Citizenship. The publication is created within the European project "My Europe – Your Europe – Your Say" (ME-YOU-US), which includes six organizations: Prosveta-Sofia Foundation, Instituto Politecnico de Santarém (Portugal), Center for non-formal educationAENAO (Greece), Społeczna Akademia Nauk (Lodz, Poland), Inspectoratul Scolar Jud.Dolj (Craiova, Romania), AltiusFrancisco De Vitoria Foundation (Spain). The project is implemented within the Erasmus + program, according to Grant Agreement No. 018-1-BG01-KA201-047913 with Human Resources Development Center, the Erasmus+ National Agency for in Bulgaria.enghuman rightsdiversitysocial Inclusionidentityactive citizenship and involvementTeacher's Manual in Civic Education - Secondary Schoolbook